U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Early Childhood Educator Professional Development Program - 2004

Goal 8: Early Childhood Educator Professional Development Program Internal Goal
Objective 8.1 of 2: Early childhood educators will more frequently apply research based approaches in early childhood instruction and child development and learning, including establish literacy rich classrooms.
Indicator 8.1.1 of 1: Apply research based approaches to early childhood pedagogy and child development and learning, including establishing literacy rich classrooms: Average ELLCO score will improve.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
ECEPD teachers' scores on ELLCO will improve.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
2004   999
2005   1

Progress: Teacher performance documentation; documented use of the Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation (ELLCO). The target for FY 2005 is baseline +1%

Source: Other
Other: Other.
Sponsor: Documentation of application of research based approaches, as recorded by mentors or suprvisors working with participating educators (i.e., logs or reports); pre and post evaluation of educator lesson plans; results of the ELLCO.
Date Sponsored: 12/31/2005.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003 - 2004
Data Available: May 2004

Limitations: Not all ECEPD grantees use the ELLCO literacy Environment Checklist. Data collected only represent the sample grantees who use the checklist.


Objective 8.2 of 2: Children will demonstrate improved readiness for school, especially in the areas of appropriate social and emotional behavior and early language literacy and numeracy skills.
Indicator 8.2.1 of 2: Demonstrated improved readiness for school: At the end of the last preschool year, children will demonstrate improved readiness for school, especially in the areas of appropriate social and emotional behavior and early language, literacy, and numeracy skills.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Improved readiness for school in the areas of appropriate social and emotional behavior and early language, literacy, and numeracy skills.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Social/Cognitive Emotional Social/Cognitive Emotional
2004   999
2005   1

Progress: Documented use of Get It Got It Go, the Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning (DIAL-3) and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-III). The target for FY 2005 is baseline +1%.

Source: Other
Other: Record/File.
Sponsor: Results of Get It Got It Go, DIAL 3 and PPVT III..
Date Sponsored: 12/31/2005.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003 - 2004
Data Available: May 2004

Improvements: Data colllected represent the sample of grantees who use the PPVT and the Indivdiual Growth Development Indicators available from Get It Got It Go. Not all ECEPD grantees use the PPVT or the Indivdual Growth and Development Indicators.

Indicator 8.2.2 of 2: Demonstrated skills needed to benefit from formal reading instruction: One year following instruction from a teacher who participated in an Early Childhood Educator Professional Development program, children will demonstrate that they have the skills needed to benefit from formal reading instruction at the end of the kindergarten yar.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Children will demonstrate they they have the skills needed to benefit from formal reading instruction at the end of the kindergarten year.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
2005   999

Progress: Documented use of the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS).

Source: Other
Other: Other.
Sponsor: Results of DIBELS.
Date Sponsored: 12/31/2005.


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