USAID From the American People



USAID/Zambia: Food Security Priorities-October 2007

The Office of Food for Peace (FFP) has budgeted additional non-emergency Title II funding for multi-year programs for Zambia in FY 2008. Eligible organizations interested in submitting proposals should refer to the Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP) guidelines on the FFP website.

USAID/Zambia Food Security Priorities programming priorities fall into two broad program areas: "Investing in People" and "Economic Opportunity." USAID/Zambia also has programmatic priorities that cut across sectors, and support Zambia's Fifth National Development Plan. USAID/Zambia has identified the following programming priorities related to FFP's Strategic Objective of "food insecurity in vulnerable populations reduced" for Zambia:

Sectors: (An integrated, multi-sectoral MYAP approach is encouraged, but not required)

Investing in People:(Please tie these investments to "Economic Opportunity" below.)

    Nutrition and Health: Zambia has one of the world's highest child stunting rates, a major reason for Zambia's top ranking for FY 07 FFP Development funds. Proposals should include a clear understanding of the causes of stunting in Zambia as well as activities to reduce the stunting rate. Programs might focus on improving maternal and infant/child nutrition through: Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), i.e. nutrition education, complementary feeding, micronutrients, de-worming, water and sanitation, diarrheal disease control, growth promotion, breast-feeding, and the "positive deviance" child nutrition promotion method.. Birth to three years is the critical time to reduce stunting, and to focus on developmental milestones.

    Education: Proposals should consider links to Zambia's strong community schools movement as a programming platform for timely nutrition and education interventions in primary grades.

Economic Opportunity: (Please tie these investments to "Investing in People" above.)

    Agriculture:Breaking the cycle of dependency on monoculture crops, and on food aid when those fail, is the heart of Zambia's long-term development strategy. Proposals should consider promoting agricultural productivity and diversification and expanding drought resistant crops, livestock, and dairy products.

    Market Linkages:Interventions must link farmers to markets as the key to sustainability.

    Assure sustainability:Proposal should focus on sustainable interventions emphasizing reliable end-market demand. This applies to consumer markets for more nutritional foods, and for diversified agricultural production that targets more reliable and lucrative markets - both domestic and international.

Cross Sector Priorities:The Mission supports programs that promote, build, use or emphasize:

    Gender:Careful consideration of gender concerns is critical to a successful, integrated approach.

    Sustainability:Build local capacity and ensure long-term sustainability of interventions. Deploy personnel, institutional, and private sector resources toward a viable "exit strategy."

    Leveraging:Build upon existing USG funding, other international aid, and Zambian interventions. Link to existing USAID/Zambia programs in health, HIV/AIDS, education, and economic growth.

    Targeted Geographic Impact:Programs are more likely to succeed if well-integrated and geographically-focused. Target areas with high levels of food insecurity levels and child stunting.

    Managerial-Technical Capacity:USAID/Zambia expects "Key" technical and managerial personnel to be well qualified and capable of implementing a complex, multi-sector activity.

    Coordination:New proposals should coordinate with existing USG programs, such as PEPFAR, Health, Education, Economic Growth, and Title II funded programs (including the World Food Programme) in Zambia.

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