Liaison Committee Information - Sixth Meeting


Kearney, Nebraska October 16-17, 2002

Wednesday, October 16, 2002
1:00 PM Welcome
1:15-3:15 High Plains NAWQA
  Kevin F. Dennehy
Overview of the High Plains Regional Ground-Water Study - a Holistic Approach
  Jennifer Stanton
Ground-Water Quality Studies of the High Plains Aquifer:
     Ogallala Formation
     Quaternary Deposits
     Irrigated Agricultural Lands
  Matt Landon
Public Supply Well Studies in Quaternary Deposits of the High Plains Aquifer
  Peter McMahon
Transect Studies of the High Plains Aquifer
  Breton Bruce
Unsaturated Zone Studies in the High Plains Aquifer
3:15 Break
3:30-5:00 Ground-Water Studies in the Central Nebraska Basins
  Greg Steele
Agricultural Land Use and Shallow Ground Water in the Dissected Till Plains of Northeast Nebraska
  Jason Vogel
Sources, Transport, and Fate of Agricultural Contaminants in Maple Creek Drainages -- Ground-Water Study Design
  Kurt Hinaman
Ground-Water Flow Model for the Regional Aquifer in East-Central Nebraska
Thursday, October 17, 2002
8:30-10:00 AM Project Overview and Information Systems
  Ron Zelt
Overview of the Central Nebraska Basins NAWQA Studies
  Michaela Johnson
GIS Analyses Support NAWQA Topical Studies
  Sonja Sebree
CNBR NAWQA Web Update: Progress and Plans
  Jill Frankforter
Water-Quality and Biological Data Management for the Central Nebraska Basins Study: NWIS and Bio-TDB Databases
10:00 Break
10:15-12:00 Stream Studies in the Central Nebraska Basins
  Dave Rus
Status and Trends of Water Quality in Streams of the Central Nebraska Basins
  Jill Frankforter
Ecological Resources Status and Trends Studies: Ecological Sampling at the Surface-Water Trend Sites and a Mercury Synoptic Survey
  Jason Vogel
Sources, Transport, and Fate of Agricultural Contaminants in Maple Creek Drainages -- Surface-Water Study Design
  Jill Frankforter
Effects of Nutrient Enrichment on Aquatic Ecosystems -- Study Design

List of Attendees:

Marvin Brown U.S. Department of Agriculture - National Resource Conservation Service
Verlon Barnes U.S. Department of Agriculture - National Resource Conservation Service
Alicia Toczek Loup Basin RC&D
Mike Clement Lower Republican Natural Resources District
Melissa Heithoff Upper Elkhorn Natural Resources District
Todd Falter Nebraska Health and Human Services, Dept. of Regulation and Licensure
Steve Drola Nebraska Health and Human Services, Dept. of Regulation and Licensure
Julie Frandsen City of Grand Island
John Flint Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
John Stansbury University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Bob Fenemore U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Eugene Saul Water Resources
Jennifer Nelson The Groundwater Fdn
Clancy Dempsey The Groundwater Fdn
Milt Moravek Central Platte Natural Resources District
Wayne Woldt University of Nebraska
Rod DeBuhr Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District
Christy Colson Upper Republican Natural Resources District
Jim Goeke Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ann Fisher Twin Platte Natural Resources District
Jennifer Sundberg U.S. Department of Agriculture - National Resource Conservation Service-Holdrege
Rodney Tekrony U.S. Bureau of Reclamation - Denver
Jennifer Schellpeper Nebraska Department of Natural Resources - Lincoln
Steve Peterson Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District
Jerry Obrist Lincoln Water Systems
Marcia Trompke Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District

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