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New Mexico Water Science Center

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New Mexico Water Science Center Publications
Scientific Investigations Reports (SIR)

The New Mexico Water Science Center publishes water-information reports on many topics and in many formats. From this Web page, you can locate, view, download, or order scientific and technical articles and reports as well as general interest publications such as booklets, fact sheets, pamphlets, and posters resulting from the research performed by our scientists and partners.

2006 Publications
Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5280
Ground-Water Hydrology and Water Quality of the Southern High Plains Aquifer, Cannon Air Force Base, Curry County, New Mexico, 1994-2005
Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5246
Methods of Phase II and III Well Installation and Development and Results of Well Logging, Hydraulic Testing, and Water-Level Measurements in the Red River Valley, New Mexico, 2002-04
Scientific Investigations Report 06-5040
Questa Baseline and Pre-Mining Ground-Water Quality Investigation. 21. Hydrology and Water Balance of the Red River Basin, New Mexico 1930-2004
Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5306
Analysis of the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Discharges for the Navajo Nation in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico
Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5039
Effects of Roads and Well Pads on Erosion in the Largo Canyon Watershed, New Mexico, 2001-02
2005 Publications
Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5248
Description of Piezometers and Ground-Water-Quality Characteristics at Three New Sites in the Lower Mesilla Valley, Texas, and New Mexico, 2003
SIR 2005-5088 Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5088
Questa baseline and pre-mining ground-water quality investigation. 5. Well installation, water-level data, and surface- and ground- water geochemistry in the Straight Creek drainage basin, Red River Valley, New Mexico, 2001-03
SIR 2005-5118 Scientific Investigations Report 05-5118
Streamflow and Water-Quality Trends of the Rio Chama and Rio Grande, Northern and Central New Mexico, Water Years 1985 to 2002
2004 Publications
Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5275, 28 p
Selected hydrologic data for the upper Rio Hondo Basin, Lincoln County, New Mexico, 1945-2003
Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5197, 98 p.
Simulation of ground-water flow in the basin-fill aquifer of the Tularosa Basin, south-central New Mexico, predevelopment through 2040
SIR 2004-5189 Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5189
Precipitation, ground-water age, ground-water nitrate concentrations, 1995-2002, and ground-water levels, 2002-03 in eastern Bernalillo County, New Mexico
Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5188, 47 p.
Effects of reservoir installation, San Juan-Chama Project water, and reservoir operations on streamflow and water quality in the Rio Chama and Rio Grande, northern and central New Mexico, 1938-2000
Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5158, 42 p.
Ground-water hydrology and water quality of the Southern High Plains aquifer, Melrose Air Force Range, Cannon Air Force Base, Curry and Roosevelt Counties, New Mexico, 2002-03
Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5140, 82 p
Simulation-optimization approach to management of ground-water resources in the Albuquerque area, New Mexico, 2006 through 2040
Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5063.
Questa baseline and pre-mining ground-water quality investigation. 4. Historical surface-water quality for the Red River Valley, New Mexico

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