Improving the Quality of Teachers in the Classroom
Remarks by Aminda Gentile, Director of the United Federation of Teachers' Teacher Center, New York City, NY

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Outline of remarks:

  • "The purpose of staff development is not just to implement instructional innovations; its central purpose is to build strong collaborative work cultures that will develop the long term capacity for change."--Michael Fullan

Attributes of Effective Professional Development

  • Results-driven
  • Standards-based
  • Job-embedded
  • Differentiated
  • Linked to learning needs (student and teacher)
  • Collaborative in nature
  • Sustained over time
  • Discipline-focused/Content rich
  • Reflective
  • Evaluated

Improving Student Achievement through Staff Development

  1. Analyze Student Performance Data: Identify Student Learning Needs
  2. Identify Target(s) for Educator Learning and Development
  3. Identify Results-Based Staff Development Interventions Aligned with Target Area(s)
  4. Design and Implement Staff Development Intervention(s) and Evaluation
  5. Provide Ongoing Support for Learning and implementation of New Knowledge, Skills and Processes
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Last Modified: 05/05/2006