No Child Left Behind Summit: The Path to 2014
Teachers Make It Happen

Video Highlights

Opening Session: Supporting our Teachers

Data Showcase: Using Data to Evaluate Teachers and Student Achievement
A District and a school using data effectively to determine teacher effectiveness and target instruction in the classroom to raise student achievement.

Panel Discussion #1: Rewarding Teacher Success in Raising Achievement
This panel will focus on innovative teacher compensation systems and incentive plans. Panelists will speak about programs that use data to identify effective teachers and encourage teachers to teach in high-need schools. Programs will also be highlighted that include public-private partnerships.

School's in Session: School Showcase
This session will highlight an effective school that is raising student achievement and getting results.

Panel Discussion #2: Improving the Quality of Teachers in the Classroom
This panel will focus on the work various programs around the country are doing to more effectively train teachers already in the classroom. Panelists will highlight professional development activities focused on research-based instruction, training for high school teachers to elevate the level of rigor for students, and innovative programs to bring highly qualified teachers into the classroom.

Panel Discussion #3: Preparing Teachers for the Classroom
This panel will focus on programs to recruit and train teachers for the classroom. Panelists will focus on innovative programs that ensure that teachers have the content knowledge necessary to succeed, including alternative certification opportunities, training teachers in research-based instruction, and placing teachers in high-need classrooms.

School's Out: Teacher Showcase
This showcase will highlight why these teachers teach and the story of raising achievement in their students.

Last Modified: 06/22/2006