Are You Making Progress? Increasing Accountability Through Evaluation

Stakeholder Interests

This chart will help you identify the stakeholders that may be interested in your evaluation results, questions they may want answered, and ways they might want to use your results.

Stakeholder Group Questions of Interest Uses of Information

Is the program achieving what was promised?

Is the program working?

Program staff and managers

Are we reaching our target population?

Are participants satisfied with program activities?

Is the program being run efficiently?

How can we improve the program?

Programming decisions, day-to-day operations
Parents and community residents

Is the program suited to my child's needs?

Is it suited to my community's needs?

What is the program doing?

Decisions about whether to participate and/or contribute support
Public officials

What is the program doing?

What difference is it making?

Is it reaching the target population?

What do participants think about the program?

Decisions about commitment and support, knowledge about the utility of the program's approach
Program participants

Did the program help me?

What could improve the program for others?

Decisions about continuing with the program, whether to participate in similar activities

Adapted from:

Western Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies. Building a successful prevention program; Step 7: Evaluation. Available on-line at:

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Last Modified: 06/12/2008