Are You Making Progress? Increasing Accountability Through Evaluation

Checklist for Selecting an Evaluator

Your team can use this worksheet to keep track of the different steps involved in identifying and hiring the right evaluator for your prevention initiative.

Locating the Right Candidate

Done? Task Notes
  Have you explored these sources:
  • Programs similar to your own
  • Your SDFS coordinator
  • State or local agencies
  • Local colleges and universities
  • Research institutes
  • Consulting firms
  • Your funder
  • Technical assistance providers
  • Professional associations
  • Evaluation literature
  • Conference presentations

Narrowing the Pool

Done? Task Notes
  Convene an interview team (Note: Make sure that team members have the time to attend multiple interviews.)  
  Select the materials you want candidates to submit (e.g., resume, evaluation reports, presentations)  
  Identify and prioritize ideal qualities/ characteristics the evaluator should possess  
  Develop priorities and a ranking sheet to help you decide which candidates to interview and to evaluate candidates during interviews  
  Develop protocol for reviewing resumes (e.g., who will read materials, who will contact candidates, timelines)  
  Select candidates to interview (Note: the number of candidates may depend on the quality of resumes you receive)  

Preparing for the Interview

Done? Task Notes
  Develop an interview schedule  
  Have all members of interview team sign off on the schedule  
  Develop an interview protocol (e.g., how the interview will be structured, questions to ask, who will ask what)  

Following the Interview

Done? Task Notes
  Meet with team members to compare notes and initial impressions  
  Review submitted materials, including time-line and budget (remembering to look closely at indirect costs)  
  Decide which candidates to invite back for a second interview  
  Assign follow-up tasks to team members (e.g., decide who will participate in follow-up interviews, contact candidates, check references, notify candidates regarding selection status)  
  Check references  
  Develop evaluator contract  
  Contact candidates (by phone) who were interviewed but not selected  
  Contact candidates (by mail) who were not interviewed  

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Last Modified: 06/12/2008