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Top Stories for Saturday, November 08 2008
RECOVERED,Cash,Canister,ammution and weapons by the police in the wales Estate payroll heist
THE Joint Services, Thursday night, shot and killed another of the suspects in the GUYSUCO payroll heist.
It happened in a second shootout, this time at Goed Fortuin, also on West Bank Demerara, where the canister that contained the stolen $17.1M was found and eight more suspected of being involved were ......read more

MURDER accused Jermaine Savory
TWENTY-ONE-YEAR-OLD Jermaine Savory called ‘Jah Jah’ appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson-Ogle yesterday, charged with the murder of 27-year-old Melissa Payne at Agricola, Greater Georgetown, last Wednesday.......read more

Man who impersonated U.S. Ambassador’s son jailed, fined
JOHN Spence, 31, of Lot 26 Public Road, Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara, who pretended to be the son of United States (U.S.) Ambassador John Jones at Baganara Island Resort in Essequibo River, was yesterday jailed and fined.......read more

President Jagdeo reiterates the need to work collectively on food security
-- at the opening of the historic International Rice Conference marking Guyana’s 100th year as a rice exporter
PRESIDENT Bharrat Jagdeo has reiterated that the region has to work collectively to ensure that there is a strategy focusing on food security and the development of a competitive.......read more

School of Nations purchases Woodbine Hotel
-- plans to move college, university to the location
THE School of Nations has purchased Woodbine Hotel and plans to move the school, College and University to this......read more

Moves underway to prevent CJIA power outages
THE elevated geographical features of the Timehri, East Bank area where the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) is sited, makes it quite susceptible to electrical storms, according to Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon.......read more
Cabinet approves more expenditure on electricity
CABINET Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon said yesterday that the electricity problems in Berbice are being addressed at Canefield and Onverwagt power stations.......read more
de Caires and outstanding advocate of media freedom
I am saddened by the death of David de Caires, whose remains were cremated in Barbados.
David de Caires has been an outstanding advocate of media freedom and the independence of journalists.........read more
A proud rice exporter for 100 years
Rice here and in many parts of the globe is a staple and the industry has also become part of the culture of many societies.
Rice was first officially introduced into Guyana in the 18th century both by the Dutch and French colonizers. In 1840, Richard Schomburg noted that rice was “one of the principal items of........read more
Records tumble at GASA’s swim meet
FOUR records were overhauled on the first day of the Guyana Amateur Swimming Association (GASA) national swimming championship and others are expected to crumble as the competition continues over the next three days.......read more


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