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Price Trends for Federal-Aid Highway Construction

First Quarter 20O2

Three-Quarter Moving Index Price Trend

1987 Base

Three-Quarter Moving Index Price Trend for First Quarter 2002. Graph of Composite Index versus Year from 1990 - 2001. The data can be found in the Price Trends for Federal-Aid Highway Construction - Three-Quarter Moving Index table below

The three-quarter moving composite price index is the weighted average of the indices for three consecutive quarters.

The Composite Bid Price Index is composed of six indicator items: common excavation, to indicate the price trend for all roadway excavation; portland cement concrete pavement and bituminous concrete pavement, to indicate the price trend for all surfacing types; and reinforcing steel, structural steel, and structural concrete, to indicate the price trend for structures. Descriptions of the six indicator items can be found in Federal-aid Policy Guide G-6011-10.

Development of the index is discussed in some detail in PUBLIC ROADS magazines, volume 31, No. 10, October 1961; volume 36, No. 4, October 1970; and volume 45, No. 1, June 1981.

Average contract prices shown herein are based on actual bids and include costs of materials, labor, equipment, overhead and profit.

Disclaimer: The base for each State index is its own particular "market basket" of quantities and costs during the base period. The composite index for each State measures the change in that State's index since base year 1987. (in 1987 each State's index equaled 100). These indices are not to be used for State comparisons.

Office of Infrastructure
Office of Program Administration
(202) 366-4636
Publication Number FHWA-IF-02-038

For Official Distribution

Price Trends for Federal-Aid Highway Construction

1987 Base
Year Common excavation Surfacing Structures Composite index
Average contract price (cu. yd.) Index Portland cement concrete2 Bituminous concrete Surfacing index Reinforcing steel Structural steel Structural concrete Structures index
Average contract price (sq. yd.) Index Average contract price (ton) Index Average contract price (lb.) Index Average contract price (lb.) Index Average contract price (cu. yd.) Index
1972 .72 29.7 6.42 43.6 9.23 37.5 39.5 .181 41.1 .342 38.6 100.17 41.6 40.7 38.6
1973 .80 33.0 7.00 47.5 10.02 40.7 42.9 .207 47.0 .372 42.0 111.81 46.4 45.4 42.5
1974 1.00 41.2 8.88 60.3 14.74 59.8 60.0 .339 76.9 .551 62.3 136.80 56.8 61.7 57.9
1975 1.03 42.5 8.88 60.3 15.13 61.4 61.0 .297 67.4 .554 62.6 138.76 57.6 60.6 58.1
1976 1.03 42.5 8.92 60.6 14.83 60.2 60.3 .258 58.5 .484 54.7 139.59 58.0 57.2 56.3
1977 1.16 47.8 9.95 67.5 15.47 62.8 64.3 .272 61.7 .520 58.8 143.51 59.6 59.7 59.8
1978 1.54 63.5 11.90 80.8 17.16 69.6 73.3 .316 71.7 .603 68.1 172.41 71.6 70.7 70.7
1979 1.62 66.8 14.02 95.2 21.21 86.1 89.0 .421 95.5 .759 85.8 211.33 87.8 88.6 85.5
1980 1.83 75.5 14.92 101.3 25.29 102.6 102.2 .483 109.6 .941 106.3 226.68 94.1 100.0 97.2
1981 1.76 72.6 14.17 96.2 25.63 104.0 101.4 .438 99.4 .790 89.3 231.64 96.2 94.9 94.2
1982 1.59 65.6 13.03 88.5 24.33 98.7 95.3 .407 92.4 .762 86.1 219.63 91.2 90.0 88.5
1983 1.74 71.8 12.69 86.1 24.27 98.5 94.4 .398 90.3 .708 80.0 213.85 88.8 86.7 87.6
1984 1.90 78.4 13.64 92.6 26.52 107.6 102.7 .409 92.8 .709 80.1 218.02 90.5 88.2 92.6
1985 2.24 92.4 14.31 97.1 28.52 115.7 109.6 .444 100.7 .796 89.9 243.60 101.2 98.1 102.0
1986 2.28 94.0 15.63 106.1 26.48 107.4 107.0 .442 100.3 .850 96.0 236.37 98.2 98.0 101.1
1987 2.42 100.0 14.80 100.0 24.65 100.0 100.0 .441 100.0 .885 100.0 240.81 100.0 100.0 100.0
1988 2.72 112.2 14.33 97.3 24.91 101.1 99.8 .494 112.1 .924 104.4 274.12 113.8 111.0 106.6
1989 2.40 99.0 15.17 103.0 24.08 97.7 99.4 .556 126.2 1.018 115.0 283.40 117.7 118.4 107.7
1990 2.38 98.1 15.91 108.0 24.52 99.5 102.3 .529 120.0 1.010 114.1 286.18 118.8 117.8 108.5
1991 2.32 95.5 16.58 112.5 25.52 103.6 106.5 .505 114.6 1.030 116.4 264.98 110.0 112.5 107.5
1992 2.20 90.8 17.80 120.8 24.66 100.1 106.9 .520 117.9 .916 103.5 259.61 107.8 108.4 105.1
1993 2.50 103.2 18.81 127.7 26.26 106.6 113.5 .467 106.0 .861 97.3 261.89 108.7 105.3 108.3
1994 2.75 113.2 20.88 141.7 27.80 112.8 122.3 .515 116.8 .847 95.7 271.94 112.9 109.0 115.1
1995 2.73 112.8 22.07 149.8 28.87 117.1 127.9 .542 122.9 .922 104.2 302.66 125.7 119.5 121.9
1996: 2.92 120.6 19.64 133.3 27.50 111.6 118.7 .581 121.5 1.068 120.7 293.85 122.0 121.6 120.2
1997: 2.85 117.6 23.75 161.2 23.39 119.2 133.0 .567 128.7 1.186 134.0 320.90 133.2 132.7 130.6
1998: 3.01 124.3 23.65 160.5 25.00 101.4 120.8 .544 123.4 1.111 125.5 337.25 140.0 133.4 126.9
1999: First quarter 2.75 113.5 22.09 149.9 29.74 120.7 130.3 .543 123.2 1.231 139.1 337.56 140.2 136.9 130.7
Second quarter   3.24 133.5 29.06 197.3 32.70 132.6 153.9 .548 124.3 1.207 136.3 339.87 141.1 136.9 143.4
Third quarter 3.23 133.4 18.72 127.1 33.53 136.0 133.1 .568 128.8 1.115 125.9 319.34 132.6 130.2 131.8
Fourth quarter 2.65 109.3 28.04 190.3 33.00 133.9 152.4 .560 127.2 1.304 147.3 373.81 155.2 148.3 144.1
Annual 2.93 120.9 23.49 159.5 32.28 130.9 140.3 .554 125.7 1.224 138.3 342.24 142.1 138.3 136.5
2000: First quarter 2.71 111.8 25.17 170.9 32.65 132.5 145.1 .590 133.9 1.079 121.9 364.40 151.3 140.6 138.1
Second quarter 3.48 143.6 25.07 170.2 36.72 148.9 155.9 .662 150.2 1.432 161.9 396.92 164.8 161.5 156.6
Third quarter 2.94 121.2 24.65 167.4 34.55 140.2 149.1 .371 84.2 1.343 151.7 335.58 139.3 133.2 137.9
Fourth quarter 3.01 124.1 26.51 179.9 36.54 148.2 158.6 .589 133.6 1.427 161.3 362.70 150.6 150.5 149.9
Annual 3.01 124.1 25.30 171.7 35.15 142.6 152.2 .549 124.6 1.351 152.6 363.66 151.0 146.9 145.6
2001: First quarter 3.91 161.3 29.93 203.2 35.31 143.2 162.9 .576 130.7 1.461 165.1 302.70 125.7 136.9 151.2
Second quarter 3.29 135.8 21.42 145.4 34.42 139.6 141.5 .550 124.7 1.057 119.4 337.67 140.2 132.1 136.5
Third quarter 2.50 103.2 27.60 187.4 35.57 144.3 158.4 .545 123.7 1.176 132.8 343.27 142.5 136.8 140.6
Fourth quarter 3.27 135.1 29.09 197.5 35.87 145.5 162.6 .726 164.6 1.166 131.8 392.65 163.0 155.1 155.1
Annual 3.05 125.9 28.21 191.5 34.93 141.7 158.1 .601 136.4 1.201 135.8 339.44 140.9 138.8 144.8
2002: First quarter 3.05 125.7 24.26 164.7 31.00 125.8 138.5 .618 140.2 1.628 183.9 395.18 164.1 165.2 148.4
Second quarter                              
Third quarter                              
Fourth quarter                              

Annual Price Trends

1987 Base

Annual Price Trends Graph of Composite Index versus Years from 1990 to 2001. Data from above table

Quarterly Price Trends

1987 Base

Annual Price Trends Graph of Composite Index versus Quarter from 1997 to 2002. Data from above table

Price Trends for Federal-aid Highway

Construction Rural and Urban

1987 Base1
Year Common excavation Portland cement concrete surface2 Bituminous concrete surface Surfacing
Average contract price (cu. yd.) Index Average contract price (sq. yd.) Index Average contract price (ton) Index Index
Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
19722 .65 1.01 26.8 41.7 5.96 7.39 40.5 50.2 8.63 10.84 35.0 44.0 36.8 46.0
1973 .72 1.07 29.7 44.1 6.42 8.01 43.6 54.4 9.25 11.70 37.5 47.5 39.5 49.7
1974 .87 1.35 35.9 55.7 8.08 10.55 54.9 71.6 13.53 17.43 54.9 70.7 54.9 71.0
1975 .91 1.51 37.5 62.3 8.16 10.39 55.4 70.5 14.47 17.03 58.7 69.1 57.6 69.6
1976 .93 1.40 38.4 57.7 8.18 10.31 55.5 70.0 14.04 16.85 57.0 68.4 56.5 68.9
1977 1.09 1.46 45.0 60.2 8.83 11.52 59.9 78.2 14.84 17.71 60.2 71.9 60.1 73.9
1978 1.42 1.83 58.6 75.5 10.06 13.78 68.3 93.5 16.47 18.74 66.8 76.0 67.3 81.8
1979 1.45 2.15 59.8 88.7 12.33 16.59 83.7 112.6 20.15 24.37 81.8 98.9 82.4 103.4
1980 1.67 2.25 68.9 92.8 13.89 16.57 94.3 112.5 24.26 27.97 98.4 113.5 97.1 113.2
1981 1.55 2.27 63.9 93.6 13.02 15.32 88.4 104.0 24.63 26.68 99.9 108.2 96.1 106.9
1982 1.48 1.74 61.0 71.8 11.86 14.27 80.5 96.9 23.46 26.41 95.2 107.2 90.4 103.8
1983 1.59 2.10 65.6 86.6 11.83 14.58 80.3 99.0 23.46 26.72 95.2 108.4 90.3 105.3
1984 1.66 2.50 68.5 103.1 12.55 15.77 85.2 107.1 25.58 28.84 103.8 117.0 97.7 113.7
1985 1.85 3.20 76.3 132.0 13.29 15.67 90.2 106.4 27.51 30.89 111.6 125.3 104.6 119.1
1986 1.88 2.95 77.5 121.7 13.63 17.86 92.5 121.2 24.69 30.21 100.2 122.6 97.7 122.1
1987 1.91 3.37 78.8 139.0 13.37 17.06 90.8 115.8 23.39 27.81 94.9 112.8 93.5 113.8
1988 2.00 3.72 82.5 153.4 13.39 15.62 90.9 106.0 23.58 28.14 95.7 114.2 94.1 111.5
1989 2.01 3.20 82.9 132.0 13.56 16.67 92.0 113.2 22.17 28.66 89.9 116.3 90.6 115.3
1990 1.98 3.27 81.6 134.9 14.50 17.43 98.5 118.3 23.20 27.84 94.1 113.0 95.5 114.7
1991 1.98 2.89 81.6 119.2 16.02 17.08 108.8 115.9 24.51 27.63 99.4 112.1 102.5 113.4
1992 1.88 2.91 77.7 120.2 15.97 19.99 108.4 135.7 23.97 26.38 97.3 107.0 100.9 116.4
1993 2.16 3.57 89.2 147.3 18.41 19.50 124.9 132.3 25.86 27.20 104.9 110.4 111.5 117.6
1994 2.20 3.58 90.6 147.8 19.45 22.00 132.0 149.3 26.26 30.89 106.5 125.3 114.9 133.2
1995 2.36 3.94 97.3 162.5 20.63 23.52 140.0 159.6 26.96 32.04 109.4 130.0 119.4 139.7
1996 2.67 3.68 110.3 151.9 19.49 19.76 132.3 134.1 27.31 27.84 110.8 112.9 117.8 119.9
1997 2.47 3.96 102.1 163.4 21.50 27.14 145.9 184.2 27.71 33.48 112.4 135.8 123.4 151.7
1998 2.63 4.51 108.4 186.1 23.14 24.34 157.1 165.2 23.86 28.09 96.8 113.9 116.6 130.8
1999: First quarter 2.22 5.19 91.7 214.0 21.90 22.36 148.6 151.8 29.06 32.47 117.9 131.7 128.0 138.3
Second quarter   2.64 5.49 108.9 226.4 25.94 36.16 176.1 245.5 31.75 35.31 128.8 143.2 144.3 176.8
Third quarter 3.17 3.39 130.6 139.8 20.79 16.00 141.1 108.6 32.65 35.91 132.5 145.7 135.3 133.5
Fourth quarter 2.25 4.00 92.7 164.9 29.34 26.36 199.2 178.9 32.29 34.73 131.0 140.9 153.4 153.4
Annual 2.51 4.35 103.7 179.3 23.79 23.05 161.5 156.5 31.44 34.71 127.6 140.8 138.7 145.9
2000: First quarter 2.32 4.72 95.7 194.9 24.00 28.81 162.9 195.6 31.85 35.35 129.2 143.4 140.3 160.5
Second quarter 2.96 6.71 122.2 276.9 25.40 24.36 172.4 165.4 36.00 38.96 146.0 158.1 154.7 160.5
Third quarter 2.58 3.71 106.5 152.8 23.71 27.72 160.9 188.2 33.70 37.03 136.7 150.3 144.7 162.7
Fourth quarter 2.88 4.20 118.7 173.2 25.39 29.79 173.4 202.2 35.32 40.60 143.3 164.7 152.8 177.0
Annual 2.67 4.52 110.2 186.2 24.54 27.55 166.6 187.0 34.33 37.82 139.3 153.4 148.2 164.5
2001: First quarter 3.46 5.28 142.7 217.7 29.22 31.47 198.3 213.6 33.71 40.10 136.7 162.7 156.9 179.4
Second quarter 2.61 5.19 107.5 213.9 16.97 25.39 115.2 172.4 32.40 39.64 131.4 160.8 126.1 164.6
Third quarter 2.12 3.81 87.5 157.0 23.70 35.50 160.9 241.0 35.17 36.72 142.7 148.9 148.6 179.2
Fourth quarter 2.87 5.53 118.3 228.2 28.80 29.52 195.5 200.4 34.13 40.41 138.5 163.9 157.2 175.9
Annual 2.62 4.93 107.9 203.5 25.59 32.60 173.7 221.3 33.51 39.42 135.9 159.9 148.3 180.1
2002: First quarter 2.71 4.84 111.8 199.6 21.77 33.50 147.8 227.4 28.54 39.10 115.8 158.6 126.3 181.2
Second quarter                            
Third quarter                            
Fourth quarter                            

1 Base for composite index, 1987, involves 210,078,000 cubic yards of roadway excavation, 30,893,690 square yards of portland cement concrete surfacing with an average thickness of 9 inches, 37,760,443 tons of bituminous concrete surfacing, 577,753,544 pounds of reinforcing steel for structures, 444,924,141 pounds of structural steel and 3,498,333 cubic yards of structural concrete.

2 Starting with 1972, prices for portland cement concrete surfacing reflect adjustments to a standard 9" thickness in each State. Prices do not include costs for reinforcing steel and joints.

Price Trends for Federal-aid Highway

Construction Rural and Urban

Year Structural reinforcing steel Structural steel Structural concrete Structures Composite
Average contract price (lb.) Index Average contract price (lb.) Index Average contract price (cu. yd.) Index Index Index Ratio of urban prices to rural prices
Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban
(1) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32)
1972 .178 .182 40.4 41.3 .333 .346 37.6 39.1 100.68 99.66 41.8 41.4 40.5 40.8 36.9 43.0 1.17
1973 .204 .208 46.3 47.2 .391 .355 44.2 40.1 111.48 112.07 46.3 46.5 45.7 45.0 40.8 46.8 1.15
1974 .339 .340 76.9 77.1 .508 .573 57.4 64.7 138.76 135.35 57.6 56.2 60.9 62.0 54.7 64.8 1.18
1975 .287 .307 65.1 65.1 .523 .582 59.1 65.8 135.00 143.27 56.1 59.5 58.4 62.1 54.9 65.2 1.19
1976 .269 .248 61.0 56.3 .478 .488 54.0 55.1 141.20 138.08 58.6 57.3 57.8 56.6 54.4 61.8 1.14
1977 .274 .270 62.2 61.3 .523 .517 59.1 58.4 145.33 141.68 60.3 58.8 60.3 59.1 57.9 65.4 1.13
1978 .323 .309 73.3 70.1 .586 .615 66.2 69.5 173.49 171.30 72.0 71.1 70.7 70.5 67.5 75.9 1.12
1979 .416 .425 94.4 96.4 .768 .753 86.8 85.1 219.07 205.25 91.0 85.2 90.4 87.1 82.5 94.0 1.14
1980 .463 .498 105.1 113.0 .777 1.012 87.8 114.3 241.38 217.76 100.2 90.4 97.8 100.6 93.1 104.6 1.12
1981 .440 .436 99.8 98.9 .773 .800 87.3 90.4 254.71 216.49 105.8 89.9 99.9 91.6 92.9 98.1 1.06
1982 .414 .403 93.9 91.4 .705 .778 79.7 87.9 237.52 210.03 98.6 87.2 92.8 88.1 87.0 92.1 1.06
1983 .391 .402 88.7 91.2 .672 .731 75.9 82.6 217.00 211.84 90.1 88.0 86.1 87.1 84.7 94.5 1.11
1984 .408 .409 92.6 92.8 .667 .724 75.4 81.8 226.17 213.60 93.9 88.7 88.8 87.6 89.4 100.6 1.13
1985 .441 .446 100.1 101.2 .794 .797 89.7 90.1 240.45 245.36 99.8 101.9 97.2 98.6 97.1 112.0 1.15
1986 .448 .440 101.7 99.8 .832 .856 94.0 96.7 260.72 228.50 108.3 94.9 103.4 96.2 97.1 110.7 1.14
1987 .456 .436 103.5 98.9 .848 .900 95.8 101.7 258.21 234.95 107.2 97.6 103.6 98.9 95.7 111.0 1.16
1988 .481 .498 109.1 113.0 .890 .932 100.6 105.3 262.23 278.33 108.9 115.6 106.7 112.4 97.9 118.2 1.21
1989 .495 .576 112.3 130.7 .994 1.026 112.3 115.9 273.78 286.88 113.7 119.1 113.1 120.3 99.4 120.0 1.21
1990 .580 .510 131.6 115.7 .934 1.04 105.6 117.5 297.22 281.33 123.4 116.8 120.1 116.8 104.3 118.7 1.14
1991 .492 .510 111.5 115.7 .939 1.06 106.1 119.8 276.49 259.65 114.8 107.8 111.9 112.3 103.5 113.8 1.10
1992 .482 .530 109.5 120.9 .879 .94 99.3 106.0 281.19 250.79 116.8 104.1 110.9 107.5 101.8 113.1 1.11
1993 .492 .453 111.6 102.7 .859 .863 97.1 97.5 259.52 263.29 107.7 109.3 105.6 105.0 105.5 116.5 1.10
1994 .501 .520 113.7 118.0 .843 .849 95.3 95.9 276.76 269.93 114.9 112.1 109.5 108.8 108.9 124.6 1.14
1995 .503 .561 114.1 127.4 .853 .973 96.3 109.9 272.76 321.85 113.2 133.6 108.9 126.3 111.5 137.2 1.23
1996 .564 .519 127.9 117.7 1.047 1.084 118.3 122.5 301.57 288.80 125.2 119.9 123.9 120.2 119.4 124.9 1.05
1997 .568 .566 128.9 128.5 1.075 1.227 121.5 138.6 307.58 329.17 127.7 136.7 126.3 135.8 121.5 146.5 1.21
1998 .559 .533 126.8 121.0 1.061 1.144 119.9 129.3 354.92 321.48 147.4 133.5 136.6 130.2 124.2 138.9 1.11
1999: First quarter .498 .571 112.9 129.5 1.200 1.247 135.6 140.9 326.28 345.10 135.5 143.3 131.7 140.3 124.2 150.6 1.21
Second quarter   .524 .562 118.9 127.5 1.329 1.104 150.1 124.8 360.66 328.22 149.8 136.3 144.6 131.7 139.1 164.4 1.18
Third quarter .533 .602 120.9 136.7 1.205 1.074 136.1 121.3 288.45 357.34 119.8 148.4 124.3 139.2 129.8 136.9 1.05
Fourth quarter .556 .562 126.1 127.6 1.093 1.444 123.4 163.2 345.17 388.82 143.3 161.5 135.1 156.1 136.2 156.3 1.15
Annual .525 .572 119.0 129.9 1.204 1.236 136.0 139.7 325.11 354.40 134.9 147.2 132.5 142.2 130.7 149.3 1.14
2000: First quarter .596 .587 135.2 133.2 1.083 1.075 122.4 121.5 347.47 374.19 144.3 155.4 136.9 142.6 132.1 157.8 1.19
Second quarter .617 .774 139.9 175.7 1.134 1.770 128.1 199.9 375.93 464.08 156.1 192.7 145.1 191.7 145.9 191.7 1.31
Third quarter .219 .633 49.8 143.6 1.162 1.438 131.3 162.5 352.45 325.35 146.4 135.1 125.9 143.8 130.7 152.9 1.17
Fourth quarter .525 .632 119.1 143.4 1.224 1.466 138.3 165.7 379.69 350.54 157.7 145.6 145.9 150.5 144.7 164.8 1.14
Annual .471 .630 106.8 143.0 1.145 1.452 129.4 164.0 365.55 362.09 151.8 150.4 138.2 152.7 138.1 162.6 1.18
2001: First quarter .562 .589 127.5 133.6 1.211 1.530 136.9 172.9 289.92 313.95 120.4 130.4 125.9 142.1 141.2 168.8 1.19
Second quarter .505 .574 114.6 130.2 .860 1.129 97.2 127.6 302.46 363.02 125.6 150.7 116.2 141.1 118.9 161.7 1.35
Third quarter .571 .521 129.6 118.2 1.162 1.201 131.3 135.7 349.05 338.55 144.9 140.6 138.7 135.5 135.1 156.6 1.16
Fourth quarter .610 .864 138.3 196.0 1.213 1.137 137.1 128.4 383.19 402.57 159.1 167.2 149.7 161.9 148.1 177.6 1.19
Annual .566 .633 128.5 143.7 1.110 1.259 125.4 142.3 326.80 350.77 135.7 145.7 131.8 144.4 134.9 167.9 1.24
2002: First quarter .618 .618 140.2 140.2 1.009 1.919 114.0 216.9 401.98 391.65 166.9 162.6 148.4 173.1 133.8 180.4 1.34
Second quarter                                  
Third quarter                                  
Fourth quarter                                  

Price Trends for Federal-Aid Highway Construction

1987 Base1

Three-Quarter Moving Index

Year Common excavation Surfacing Structures Composite index
Average contract price (cu. yd.) Index Portland cement concrete2 Bituminous concrete Surfacing index Reinforcing steel Structural steel Structural concrete Structures index
Average contract price (sq. yd.) Index Average contract price (ton) Index Average contract price (lb.) Index Average contract price (lb.) Index Average contract price (cu. yd.) Index
1986 2.31 95.3 15.84 107.5 25.70 104.3 105.3 .440 99.8 .855 96.6 232.34 96.5 97.1 100.2
1987 2.59 106.8 15.20 103.2 25.44 103.2 103.2 .451 102.3 .877 99.1 258.33 107.3 104.3 104.2
1988 2.56 105.6 14.81 100.5 24.83 100.7 100.7 .534 121.2 .989 111.7 283.00 117.5 116.6 108.4
1989 2.68 110.6 16.20 110.0 24.73 100.3 103.5 .557 126.4 1.004 113.4 280.61 116.5 117.4 110.7
1990 2.24 92.3 16.24 110.2 25.88 105.0 106.7 .532 120.7 1.076 121.6 292.29 121.4 123.4 111.0
1991 2.32 95.7 17.18 116.7 24.54 99.6 105.2 .475 107.7 .919 103.9 244.71 101.6 103.2 102.9
1992 2.30 94.8 18.07 122.6 24.71 100.2 107.6 .538 122.0 .908 102.6 249.85 103.8 106.5 105.2
1993 2.55 105.1 19.43 131.9 27.28 110.7 117.6 .483 109.5 .812 91.7 257.48 106.9 103.4 109.5
1994 2.80 115.6 28.77 195.3 28.15 114.2 140.8 .534 121.2 .913 103.2 297.77 123.6 117.8 126.9
1995: First quarter 2.65 109.3 22.36 151.8 27.65 112.2 125.2 .549 124.9 .939 106.1 300.18 124.6 119.7 120.4
Second quarter   2.60 107.1 22.46 152.5 29.11 118.1 129.4 .539 122.4 .912 103.1 299.72 124.5 118.4 121.2
Third quarter 2.73 112.7 21.48 145.8 29.42 119.4 128.1 .540 122.6 .931 105.1 301.01 124.9 119.3 121.9
Fourth quarter 2.83 116.7 22.01 149.4 28.88 117.2 127.8 .522 118.5 .969 109.5 303.10 126.1 120.4 122.9
1996: First quarter 3.03 124.8 20.06 136.2 27.41 111.2 119.4 .532 120.8 1.021 115.3 306.26 127.2 122.9 121.8
Second quarter 3.05 125.6 19.40 131.7 26.99 109.5 116.8 .548 124.4 1.066 120.4 302.17 125.5 123.9 121.3
Third quarter 2.92 120.6 18.87 128.1 27.72 112.5 117.6 .546 123.8 1.057 119.4 290.28 120.5 120.8 119.5
Fourth quarter 2.85 117.5 21.28 144.5 29.21 118.5 127.0 .558 126.5 1.118 126.3 306.70 127.4 126.9 125.6
1997: First quarter 2.85 117.4 22.18 150.6 30.24 122.7 131.8 .552 125.2 1.121 126.6 309.44 128.5 127.4 127.7
Second quarter 2.93 120.9 23.12 156.9 28.96 117.5 130.5 .571 129.6 1.120 126.6 321.59 133.5 131.0 129.3
Third quarter 2.92 120.4 24.58 166.9 28.63 116.2 132.8 .559 126.9 1.199 135.4 305.82 126.9 129.2 129.4
Fourth quarter 2.82 116.2 24.51 166.4 23.56 95.6 118.8 .586 132.9 1.207 136.3 316.75 131.5 133.0 124.7
1998: First quarter 2.85 116.6 23.83 161.7 23.84 96.71 118.1 .573 130.0 1.177 132.9 323.75 134.4 133.3 124.6
Second quarter 3.10 127.7 23.19 157.4 24.76 100.4 119.2 .533 120.9 1.110 125.4 330.77 137.3 131.4 125.8
Third quarter 3.02 124.6 23.75 161.2 28.85 117.0 131.5 .512 116.1 1.093 123.5 337.68 140.2 131.7 130.6
Fourth quarter 2.95 121.7 23.55 159.9 29.43 119.4 132.7 .521 118.1 1.180 133.3 346.25 143.8 136.6 132.8
1999: First quarter 2.88 118.7 24.82 168.5 29.65 120.3 136.1 .556 126.2 1.190 134.5 345.75 143.6 138.2 134.4
Second quarter 3.03 125.1 22.43 152.2 31.97 129.7 137.1 .552 125.2 1.195 135.1 332.71 138.2 135.1 134.4
Third quarter 3.01 124.2 24.16 163.9 33.04 134.1 143.9 .559 126.8 1.222 138.0 344.14 142.9 138.9 138.7
Fourth quarter 2.78 114.7 23.60 160.2 33.04 134.0 142.6 .573 130.1 1.175 132.7 351.75 146.1 139.8 137.2
2000: First quarter 2.88 118.6 25.49 173.0 34.13 138.5 149.8 .597 135.5 1.280 144.6 372.31 154.6 148.7 144.6
Second quarter 3.01 124.1 24.85 168.7 34.78 141.1 150.2 .533 120.9 1.291 145.9 364.08 151.2 144.6 143.8
Third quarter 3.15 128.9 25.50 173.1 36.01 146.1 154.9 .532 120.8 1.411 159.4 364.46 151.3 148.3 148.2
Fourth quarter 3.22 132.9 27.33 185.5 35.44 143.8 157.5 .516 117.1 1.418 160.2 330.04 137.0 139.8 145.9
2001: First quarter 3.35 138.3 26.18 177.7 35.21 142.9 154.3 .574 130.3 1.329 150.2 331.12 137.5 139.6 145.4
Second quarter 2.96 122.2 26.26 178.2 34.63 140.5 152.9 .557 126.3 1.211 136.9 322.72 134.0 133.5 139.7
Third quarter 2.90 119.5 27.51 186.8 34.82 141.3 156.2 .610 138.5 1.123 126.9 356.92 148.2 140.9 143.9
Fourth quarter 2.99 123.11 26.59 180.5 34.01 137.9 151.9 .631 143.2 1.417 160.1 379.60 157.6 155.8 149.3

1 Base for composite index, 1987, involves 210,078,000 cubic yards of roadway excavation, 30,893,690 square yards of portland cement concrete surfacing with an average thickness of 9 inches, 37,760,443 tons of bituminous concrete surfacing, 577,753,544 pounds of reinforcing steel for structures, 444,924,141 pounds of structural steel and 3,498,333 cubic yards of structural concrete.

Annual Price Trends for Federal-Aid Highway Construction

1987 Base1

Composite Index

Region State 1987 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
1 Connecticut 100.0 81.27 71.99 79.89 99.52 98.73 115.49 103.84 107.77 95.35
Maine 100.0 96.03 90.22 99.70 103.13 118.03 107.56 128.21 189.20 0.00
Massachusetts 100.0 50.97 92.18 86.05 75.17 49.48 76.96 54.15 174.12 48.93
New Hampshire 100.0 114.46 103.64 100.48 119.98 93.06 60.92 132.68 0.00 192.85
New Jersey 100.0 81.27 137.32 106.94 106.16 107.43 97.51 108.30 113.41 109.17
New York 100.0 95.95 101.57 110.69 99.03 133.84 124.76 90.83 134.90 124.13
Rhode Island 100.0 84.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 118.87 158.68 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vermont 100.0 95.24 98.25 102.05 192.90 258.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 135.46
Puerto Rico 100.0 89.70 103.40 69.05 119.18 0.00 178.89 116.35 0.00 178.35
3 Delaware 100.0 120.42 116.62 172.75 130.92 130.60 196.06 348.82 144.77 155.90
District of Columbia   100.0 69.50 83.49 50.26 69.69 91.30 54.22 105.44 83.72 0.00
Maryland 100.0 74.42 102.09 99.82 107.78 139.66 180.06 103.30 124.85 197.42
Pennsylvania 100.0 93.99 94.29 107.28 119.19 112.33 115.07 131.19 118.29 130.36
Virginia 100.0 99.48 121.21 118.79 114.75 130.84 122.79 120.90 110.58 162.58
West Virginia 100.0 84.87 121.52 102.53 147.87 125.27 119.12 147.14 136.40 107.27
4 Alabama 100.0 95.41 116.46 101.67 137.39 121.07 132.51 130.75 122.98 114.68
Florida 100.0 83.54 90.56 97.69 95.81 104.52 125.36 106.34 112.51 136.91
Georgia 100.0 110.18 126.96 141.43 132.32 143.57 131.66 158.47 159.25 153.41
Kentucky 100.0 143.79 103.41 174.95 149.78 156.89 197.01 199.66 195.65 194.89
Mississippi 100.0 112.75 121.62 120.78 148.33 171.75 140.47 207.18 137.42 164.33
North Carolina 100.0 107.94 103.97 123.13 128.28 143.40 124.58 132.05 133.76 154.65
South Carolina 100.0 100.22 135.53 132.66 124.50 137.79 172.75 178.90 172.41 213.70
Tennessee 100.0 109.82 115.35 125.88 129.01 136.03 159.47 132.95 130.98 134.69
5 Illinois 100.0 107.32 115.41 119.18 112.16 123.38 135.24 131.62 131.98 143.57
Indiana 100.0 116.06 135.85 140.18 153.09 145.40 149.68 150.92 158.42 176.07
Michigan 100.0 144.65 144.45 151.48 159.39 163.09 167.83 191.19 214.90 220.29
Minnesota 100.0 94.26 101.50 126.03 89.95 147.02 275.34 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ohio 100.0 86.33 102.18 97.81 115.10 112.45 110.48 116.97 139.56 110.90
Wisconsin 100.0 121.78 118.41 125.09 178.99 138.26 137.11 145.33 258.71 160.66
6 Arkansas 100.0 96.82 107.41 103.82 109.74 123.27 116.57 135.57 148.04 152.68
Louisiana 100.0 130.12 148.60 159.34 164.96 168.87 206.69 148.98 139.69 160.74
New Mexico 100.0 94.97 94.86 99.58 98.41 106.56 111.72 111.85 112.39 60.70
Oklahoma 100.0 109.56 130.07 130.38 140.23 137.56 147.02 158.69 133.29 158.53
Texas 100.0 102.82 98.14 109.98 130.32 89.44 106.55 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Iowa 100.0 120.56 120.92 118.78 99.87 126.39 121.17 126.12 132.15 128.98
Kansas 100.0 94.70 98.98 126.92 88.37 98.95 101.84 113.57 105.56 120.50
Missouri 100.0 109.75 119.63 129.87 108.04 143.26 96.14 163.85 165.86 353.67
Nebraska 100.0 130.46 125.29 163.37 144.37 144.40 152.25 152.30 141.68 147.01
8 Colorado 100.0 114.12 126.77 114.70 152.25 169.74 189.41 173.71 175.76 198.52
Montana 100.0 148.35 114.45 169.98 162.27 150.30 166.66 217.51 184.99 176.48
North Dakota 100.0 195.91 127.47 120.90 253.86 174.23 145.48 201.82 172.90 177.10
South Dakota 100.0 110.30 110.62 122.86 102.38 127.68 143.41 188.35 169.72 158.79
Utah 100.0 147.46 137.69 135.05 173.31 163.23 182.06 164.75 169.87 213.04
Wyoming 100.0 111.92 132.19 114.36 140.40 141.28 154.43 202.74 165.09 167.31
9 Arizona 100.0 111.40 145.57 114.10 123.52 107.28 126.56 111.69 118.46 127.83
California 100.0 99.32 157.33 120.26 111.58 125.48 138.28 141.01 150.26 145.80
Hawaii 100.0 79.10 44.06 180.45 97.90 72.24 94.82 108.63 105.03 118.43
Nevada 100.0 123.18 121.74 153.75 210.08 122.49 183.11 159.33 166.28 164.03
10 Alaska 100.0 108.67 114.76 113.00 148.18 99.76 0.00 166.55 133.79 152.87
Idaho 100.0 106.52 136.39 107.23 116.69 127.99 168.67 133.29 173.43 164.24
Oregon 100.0 111.49 129.04 135.40 152.37 160.30 288.09 175.08 173.29 170.07
Washington 100.0 127.29 129.59 146.13 316.60 187.34 0.00 155.79 153.39 155.81
  UNITED STATES 100.0 108.33 115.09 121.91 120.24 130.55 126.87 136.50 145.63 144.75

1 Indices are based on information submitted for Federal-aid construction contracts over $500,000. In some instances, individual State indices may not be truly representative of long-term price trends because of comparatively low volumes of work for the period reported, or because of unusual projects awarded during the period. Also, differences in bid item specifications among the States might account for some of the differences in unit prices in the various States.

The base for each State index is its own particular "market basket" of quantities and costs during the base period. The composite index for each State measures the change in that State's index since base year 1987. (In 1987 each State's index equalled 100.)

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE Washington, D.C. 20590
Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300

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