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USAID to Provide Hurricane Disaster Assistance to Grenada

July 18, 2005
Press Office: 202-712-4320
Public Information: 202-712-4810

Contact: USAID Press Office

Washington, D.C. - The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced it will provide an initial $50,000 in disaster relief and another $91,000 in commodities to assist victims of Hurricane Emily in Grenada.

Hurricane Emily passed over Grenada as a category one hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 90 miles per hour. Strong winds and heavy rains particularly affected the northern parishes of St. Andrew's and St. Patrick's as well as the outer islands of Carriacou and Petit Martinique. In St. Patrick North, preliminary reports indicate that the hurricane sheared off 400 roofs, completely destroyed 83 houses, and caused 1 hurricane-related death.

According to initial reports, 1,650 people sought refuge in 45 emergency shelters, but are now returning home. Approximately 250 houses in Carriacou were damaged by the hurricane, of which between 5 to 10 percent were completely destroyed. In addition, the Carriacou hospital lost a large part of its roof and patients were moved to another section of the building. A Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) team assessed damage at the hospital on July 15 and reported that the patients may need to be relocated due to the precarious situation. The Government of Grenada formally declared a national disaster on July 15.

The U.S. Ambassador to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Mary E. Kramer declared a disaster due to the effects of Hurricane Emily in Grenada. In response, USAID is providing $50,000 to PAHO for the emergency repair of health facilities and $91,000 in commodities and transport. Commodities include 504 hygiene kits, 150 rolls of plastic sheeting and 500 10L jerry cans. A USAID representative is currently in Grenada to evaluate the possible need for additional emergency relief commodities.

The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years.

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Mon, 25 Jul 2005 10:34:51 -0500