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Dunn, K.C., Escalante, C.L., Lacy, R.C., Ziehl, A.R., Franklin, D.H., Gaskin, J.W. Evaluating the Use of Pearl Millet to Reduce Nutrient Run-Off in the Southeast Piedmont Region of Georgia. SCASC 2008 Proceedings.

Endale, D., Hook, J., Sullivan, D., Faircloth, W., Lee, D., Reeves, W., Rowland, D. Conservation Tillage for Better Irrigation and Water Management in Corn Production. SCASC 2008 Proceedings.


Endale, D.M., Schomberg, H.H., Reeves, D.W., Hook, J.E. Tillage-Based Water Conservation On Farms In The Southeastern United States.

Mckinnon, R.J., Dowd, J.F., Endale, D.M. A Mechanism For Storm Runoff Generation During Large Rainfall Events.

Schroer, Katherine L., Endale, D.M., Tebes-Stevens, Caroline L., Washington, John W., Nzengung, Valentine. Concentrations And Estimated Loads Of Nitrogen Contributed By Two Adjacent Wetland Streams With Different Flow-Source Terms In Watkinsville, GA.

Jenkins, M.B., Endale, D.M., and Fisher, D.S. Most Probable Number Methodology For Quantifying Dilute Concentrations And Fluxes Of Salmonella In Surface Waters.


Abrahamson, D.A., Radcliffe, D.E., Steiner, J.L., Cabrera, M.L., Endale, D.M., Hoogenboom, G. Evaluation of the Root Zone Water Quality Model for simulating tile drainage and leached nitrate in the Georgia Piedmont. Agronomy Journal 98:644-654.

Endale, D.M., Fisher, D.S., Schomberg, H.H. Soil water regime in a small Georgia Piedmont, USA, pasture in space and time. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70, 1-13.

Endale, D.M., Fisher, D.S., Steiner, J.L. Hydrology of a zero-order Southern Piedmont watershed through 45 years of changing agricultural land use: 1. Monthly and seasonal rainfall-runoff relationships. Journal of Hydrology 316, 1-12.

Jenkins, M.B., Endale, D.M., Schomberg, H.H., Sharpe, R.R. Fecal bacteria and sex hormones in soil and runoff from cropped watersheds amended with poultry litter. Science of the Total Environment 358, 164-177.

Schomberg, H.H., Endale, D.M., Calegari, A., Peixoto, R., Miyazawa, M., Cabrera, M.L. Influence of cover crops on potential nitrogen availability to succeeding crops in a Southern Piedmont soil.Biology and Fertility of Soils 42, 299-307.


Abrahamson, D. A., Radcliffe, D. E., J. L. Steiner, M. L. Cabrera, J. D. Hanson, K. W. Rojas, H. H. Schomberg, D. S. Fisher, L. Schwartz, and G. Hoogenboom. Caibration of the Root Zone Water Quality Model for Simulating Tile Drainage and Leached Nitrate in the Georgia Piedmont.

Burns, J. C., Mayland, H. F. and Fisher, D.S. Dry matter intake and digestion of alfalfa harvested at sunset and sunrise.

Byers , Harris L., Cabrera, Miguel L.,  Matthews, Monte K., Franklin, Dorcas H., Andrae,  John G., Radcliffe, David E., McCann, Mark A., Kuykendall, Holli A., Hoveland, Carl S. and Calvert II., Vaughn H.  Phosphorous, Sediment, and E.Coli Loads in Unfenced Streams Of  The Georgia Piedmont, USA

Endale, D.M., Franzluebbers, A.J., Stuedemann, J.A., Hill, N.S., Franklin, D.H. Hydrologic And Water Quality Implications Of Management Of Tall Fescue Pastures In A Southern Piedmont Environment.  

Endale, D.M.,  Franzluebbers, A.J., Stuedemann, J.A., Hill, N.S., Franklin, D.H. Hydrologic and water quality implications of management of tall fescue pastures in a Southern Piedmont environment. pp 482-485. In K.J. Hatcher (ed.) Proceedings of the 2005 Georgia Water Resources Conference, April 25-27, 2005, Athens, GA. Institute of Ecology, UGA, Athens, GA.

Franklin, D. H., Cabrera, M. L. and Calvert, V. H. Fertilizer Source and Soil Aeration Effects on Runoff Volume and Quality.


Endale, D.M., Schomberg, H.H., Jenkins, M.B., Cabrera, M.L., Radcliffe, D.E., Hartel, P.G., Shappell, N.W. Tillage and N-fertilizer source effects on yield and water quality in a corn-rye cropping system. p. 37-48. In: Proceedings of the 26th Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture, Raleigh NC, 8-9 June 2004.

Endale, D.M., Schomberg, H.H., Cabrera, M.L. Tillage and N-fertilizer source effects on cotton fiber quality. p. 49-57. In: Proceedings of the 26th Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture, Raleigh NC, 8-9 June 2004.

Endale, D.M., Schomberg, H.H., Cabrera, M.L., Radcliffe, D.E., Jenkins, M.B. No-till on Cecil soil: Hydrologic and water quality impacts.   Agronomy Abstracts. p. xxx.  ASA, Madison, WI.

Schomberg, H.H. and Endale, D.M. Cover crop effects on nitrogen mineralization and availability in conservation tillage cotton. Biology and Fertility of Soils 40, 398-405.

Schomberg, H.H. and Endale, D.M. Cover crop effects on nitrogen mineralization and availability in conservation tillage cotton. Biology and Fertility of Soils 40, 398-405.

Sharpe R.R., Schomberg, H.H., Harper, L.A., Endale, D.M., Jenkins, M.B., Franzluebbers, A.J. Ammonia volatilization from surface applied poultry litter under different tillage management practices. Journal of Environmental Quality 33, 1183-1188.

Washington, J.W., Endale, D.M., Samarkina, L.P., Chappell, K.E. Kinetic control of oxidation state at thermodynamically buffered potentials in subsurface waters.  Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta 68(23), 4831-4842.


Abrahamson, D.A., Endale, D.M. and Schomberg, H.H. A modeling approach to assess the water balance of a typical Southern Piedmont catchment. pp 884-883. In K.J. Hatcher (ed.) Proceedings of the 2003 Georgia Water Resources Conference, April 23-24, 2003, Athens, GA. Institute of Ecology, UGA, Athens, GA.

Endale, D.M., Fisher, D.S., Steiner JL.  2003. Long-term rainfall-runoff characteristics of a small Southern Piedmont watershed. pp 497-502. In Renard, Kenneth G., McElroy, Stephen A., Gburek, William J., Canfield, H. Evan and Scott, Russell L. (eds.) First Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds, October 27-30, 2003.  U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.

Endale, D.M., Washington, J.W. and Samarkina, L.P. Role of iron-rich Georgia soils in controlling nitrate contamination of ground water. pp 879-883. In K.J. Hatcher (ed.) Proceedings of the 2003 Georgia Water Resources Conference, April 23-24, 2003, Athens, GA. Institute of Ecology, UGA, Athens, GA.

Endale, D.M., Franklin, D.H., Franzluebbers, A.J. and Stuedemann, J.A. An interdisciplinary approach for developing sustainable grazing management.  Agronomy abstract 2003. p 191 , Madison, WI.

Fisher, D.S. and Dillard, A.L.  Distributions of E. Coli and Enterococci in the Surface Waters of the Upper Oconee Watershed of Georgia.

Stevens, D. R.,  Burns, J. C., Fisher, D. S. and Eisemann, J. H. The influence of high-nitrogen forages on the voluntary feed intake of sheep.  


Endale, D.M., Schomberg, H.H., Franzluebbers, A.J., Sharpe, R.R., Jenkins, M.B. Impact of deep ripping of previous no-tillage cropland on runoff and water quality. pp 256-260. In E. van Santen (ed.) Making conservation tillage conventional: building a future on 25 years of research. Proceedings of 25th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture, Auburn, AL, USA, 24-26 June 2002.

Endale, D.M., Schomberg, H.H., Cabrera, M.L., Steiner, J.L., Radcliffe, D.E., Vencill, W.K., Lohr, L. Lint yield advantages of no-till and poultry litter-based cotton/rye cropping system in a Southern Piedmont soil: a five-year data set. pp 115-122. In E. van Santen (ed.) Making conservation tillage conventional: building a future on 25 years of research. Proceedings of 25th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture, Auburn, AL, USA, 24-26 June 2002.   

Endale, D.M., Radcliffe, D.E., Steiner, J.L., Cabrera, M.L. Drainage characteristics of a Southern Piedmont soil following six years of conventionally tilled or no-till cropping systems. Transactions of the ASAE 45(5): 1423-1432.  

Endale, D.M., Cabrera, M.L., Steiner, J.L., Radcliffe, D.E., Vencill, W.K., Schomberg, H.H., Lohr, L. Impact of conservation tillage and nutrient management on soil water and yield of cotton fertilized with poultry litter or ammonium nitrate in the Georgia Piedmont.  Soil & Tillage Research 66:55-86.

Endale, D.M., Cabrera, M.L., Schomberg, H.H., Steiner, J.L., Radcliffe, D.E. Challenges of an automated and integrated hydrologic monitoring and water quality sample collection system for research in non-point source pollution.  Agronomy Abstracts. p. 240.  ASA, Madison, WI.

Fisher, Dwight S. A Review of a Few Key Factors Regulating Voluntary Feed Intake in Ruminants.

Fisher, Dwight S., Mayland, Henry F. and Burns, Joseph C. Variation in Ruminant Preference for Alfalfa Hays Cut at Sunup and Sundown.

Franklin, D. H., Steiner, J. L., Cabrera, M. L. and Usery, E. L. Distribution of Inorganic Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations in Stream Flow of Two Southern Piedmont Watersheds.

Franzluebbers, A.J., Schomberg, H.H., Endale, D.M., Sharpe, R.R., Jenkins, M.B. Impact of deep ripping of previous no-tillage cropland on surface soil properties. pp 261-265. In E. van Santen (ed.) Making conservation tillage conventional: building a future on 25 years of research. Proceedings of 25th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture, Auburn, AL, USA, 24-26 June 2002.

Heagle, A. S., Burns, J. C., Fisher, D.S. and Miller, J. E. Effects of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on Leaf Chemistry and Reproduction by Twospotted Spider Mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) on White Clover.


Endale, D.M., Young, M.H., Pennell, K.D., Fisher, D.S., Steiner, J.L., Amirtharajah, A. Evaluating transport of cryptosporidium oocysts through soils using polystyrene microsphere surrogates. pp 726-729. In K.J. Hatcher (ed.) Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference, March 26-27, 2001, Athens, GA. Institute of Ecology, UGA, Athens, GA.

Endale, D.M., Cabrera, M.L., Radcliffe, D.E., Steiner, J.L. Nitrogen and phosphorus losses from no-till cotton fertilized with poultry litter in the Southern Piedmont.  pp 408-411. In K.J. Hatcher (ed.) Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference, March 26-27, 2001, Athens, GA. Institute of Ecology, UGA, Athens, GA. Fisher, Dwight S., Dillard, Anthony L., Usery, E. Lynn, Steiner, Jean L. and Neely, Constance L. Water Quality in the Headwaters of the Upper Oconee Watershed.

Endale DM, Fipps G. 2001.  Simulation-based irrigation scheduling as a water management tool in developing countries. Irrigation and Drainage (50):249-257.

Franklin, D.H., Cabrera, M.L., Steiner, J.L., Endale, D.M., Miller, W.P. Evaluation of percent flow captured by a small, in-field runoff collector.  Transactions ASAE. 44(3):551-554.


Cabrera, M.L., Endale, D.M., Radcliffe, D.E., Steiner, J.L. Nutrient loss through sub-surface drainage in no-till cotton in the Southern Piedmont.  Proceedings of the 2000 ISTRO Conference, Fort Worth TX. International Soil Tillage Research Organization.

Endale, D.M., Steiner, J.L., Cabrera, J.L., Radcliffe, D.E., Vencill, W.K., Schomberg, H.H. Cotton yield potential with conservation tillage in the southeastern USA.  Proceedings of the 2000 ISTRO Conference, Fort Worth TX. International Soil Tillage Research Organization.

Endale, D.M., Schomberg, H.H., Steiner, J.L. Long term sediment yield and mitigation in a small Southern Piedmont watershed. Intern. J. of Sediment Research 15(1):60-68.

Fisher, D.S., Steiner, J.L., Endale,  D.M., Stuedemann, J.A., Schomberg, H.H., Franzluebbers, A.J. and Wilkinson, S.R. The relationship of land use practices to surface water quality in the Upper Oconee Watershed of Georgia.

Fisher, D.S., Steiner, J.L., Endale, D.M., Stuedemann, J.A., Schomberg, H.H., Franzluebbers, A.J. and Wilkinson, S.R. The relationship of land use practices to surface water quality in the Upper Oconee watershed of Georgia. Forest Ecology and Management 128:39-48.

Franklin, D. H., Cabrera, M. L., Steiner, J. L., Endale, D. M., Miller, W.P. Evaluation of  Percent Flow Captured By a Small In-Field Runoff Collector.

Luginbuhl, J.M., Pond, K. R., Burns, J.C. and Fisher, D.S. Intake and chewing behavior of steers consuming switchgrass preserved as hay or silage.

Merkel, Roger C., Pond, Kevin R., Burns, Joseph C. and Fisher, Dwight S. Intake, digestibility and nitrogen utilization of three tropical tree legumes II. As protein supplements.

Merkel, Roger C., Pond, Kevin R., Burns, Joseph C. and Fisher, Dwight S. Intake, digestibility and nitrogen utilization of three tropical tree legumes I. As sole feeds compared to Asystasia intrusa and Brachiaria brizantha.


Cabrera, M.L., Endale, D.M., Radcliffe, D.E., Steiner, J.L., Vencill, W.K., Lohr, L., Schomberg, H.H. Tillage and fertilizer source effects on nitrate leaching in cotton production in Southern Piedmont. pp 49-50. In J. E. Hook (ed.) Proc., 22nd Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture. Tifton, GA. July 6-8, 1999. Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station Special Publication 95. Athens, GA.

Endale, D.M., Radcliffe, D.E., Steiner, J.L., Cabrera, M.L., McCracken, D.V., Vencill, W.K., Lohr, L., Schomberg, H.H.  Cotton yield response to tillage-poultry litter interactions. pp 51-55. In J. E. Hook (ed.) Proc., 22nd Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture. Tifton, GA. July 6-8, 1999. Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station Special Publication 95. Athens, GA.

Endale, D.M., Radcliffe, D.E., Steiner, J.L., Cabrera, M.L., McCracken, D.V., Vencill, W.K., Lohr, L. and Schomberg, H.H. Differences of soil water use, lint and biomass yield in no-till and conventionally tilled cotton in the Southern Piedmont. pp 570-573. In K.J. Hatcher (ed.) Proceedings of the 1999 Georgia Water Resources Conference, March 30-31, 1999, Athens, GA. Institute of Ecology, UGA, Athens, GA.

Fisher, Dwight S. and  Endale, Dinku M. Total Coliform, E. Coli, and Enterococci Bacteria in Grazed and Wooded Watersheds of the Southern Piedmont.

Fisher, D.S., Endale, D.M., Steiner, J.L., Young, M.H., Pennell, K.D., Amirtharajah, A. Problems in predicting transport of cryptosporidium from grazinglands in the Southern Piedmont of the US. In Proc., EPA Conference on Overland Transport of Cryptosporidium. Piskataway/Edison, NJ, 20-22 Sep, 1999.  EPA, Washington, DC.

Fisher, D.S. and Endale, D.M. Total coliform, E coli, and enterococci bacteria in grazed and wooded watersheds of the Southern Piedmont. pp 283-286. In K.J. Hatcher (ed.) Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference, March 26-27, 2001, Athens, GA. Institute of Ecology, UGA, Athens, GA.

Schomberg, H.H., McDaniel, R., Wandless, K., Mallard, E., Sanders, T., Endale, D.M.,  Franzluebbers, A.J., Sharpe, R.R. On farm cooperative research at the central savannah river area conservation tillage demonstration farm. pp 60-61. In J. E. Hook (ed.) Proc., 22nd Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture. Tifton, GA. July 6-8, 1999. Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station Special Publication 95. Athens, GA.


Fisher, D.S., Steiner, J.L., Endale, D.M., Stuedemann, J.A., Schomberg, H.H., Franzluebbers, A.J. and Wilkinson, S.R.  Strategic location of conservation practices related to cow-calf production in the Southern Piedmont. pp 413-421. In Proc. of 1st International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Volume II. Ann Arbor, MI. ERIM.




Last Modified: 09/10/2008
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