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Federal Highway Administration
Travel Policy Supplement

Classification Code: 1500.8
Date: February 9, 1998

  1. PURPOSE. This order establishes travel policy and procedures for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as a supplement to both Federal and Departmental travel regulations.


    1. Federal Travel Regulation (FTR), 41 CFR 301-304.

    2. Department of Transportation Travel Guiding Principles (DTGP), DOT Order 1500.11.

  3. POLICY. The FTR as implemented and supplemented by the DTGP and this FTP Supplement contains the requirements governing travel and transportation management for all FHWA employees and other individuals who are authorized to travel under an official travel authorization.

  4. BACKGROUND. The DTGP requires the Operating Administrations to develop and implement internal travel policy and procedures to further supplement the FTR and DTGP. This FTP Supplement meets that requirement.

  5. OFFICIAL FORMS. Official hard copy forms (e.g., Travel Authorization, Travel Voucher, etc.) are available through the Department's forms distribution system and in electronic form using the InForms software. The use of hard copy forms will be suspended when electronic travel processing becomes available.

  6. DISTRIBUTION. The FTP and future changes will be distributed throughout the FHWA and posted on the FHWA's Home Page site.
George S. Moore, Jr.
Associate Administrator
for Administration

Attachment: FHWA Travel Policy Supplement

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