Educational Opportunity Centers Program

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Frequently Asked Questions
For Potential Educational Opportunity Center Program Applicants

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  1. Do applicants have to address the four mandatory objectives as "clearly described, specific, and measurable?"
  2. Does the Department provide a rubric for applicants to follow, regarding acceptable percentages when addressing the four mandatory objectives?
  3. What is the definition of a "continuing education program" as outlined in the first mandatory objective?
  4. What is the EOC start date for newly funded projects if you are already a current funded five-year grantee?
  5. Will applicants be penalized for entering the wrong start date on the Standard Form 424?
  6. Are individuals eligible applicants?
  7. Are Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) or secondary schools eligible to apply as the fiscal agent?
  8. Do EOC applicants have to identify target schools if some of the participants being served are less than 19 years of age because there is no Talent Search project in the area?
  9. Are new grantees required to serve 1000 participants annually or serve 1000 participants over the course of the four or five year project?
  10. Must the required 1000 participants served annually be unduplicated participants?
  11. Are parents and guardians counted as project participants?
  12. May a project that proposes to serve fewer than the 1000 participants receive funding?
  13. Should existing grantee applicants include information about prior experience (PE) points in the application?
  14. Should applicants mail the letters of support and resumes to the Department?
  15. May an EOC project be housed in an entity that would like to donate space as an in-kind contribution?
  16. Where can I find the GEPA Form 427?
  17. Does the maximum award of $220,000 include or exclude indirect costs?

1. Do applicants have to address the four mandatory objectives as "clearly described, specific, and measurable?"

No. Under the "Objectives" selection criterion, the only standard applicants are required to address is (and for which all eight points will be applied) the extent to which the objectives are ambitious but attainable given the budget and other resources.


2. Does the Department provide a rubric for applicants to follow, regarding acceptable percentages when addressing the four mandatory objectives?



3. What is the definition of a "continuing education program" as outlined in the first mandatory objective?

For purposes of the EOC competition, a "continuing education program" is any educational program that offers participants a path to further education. Such continuing education programs may include:

  • high school equivalency programs,
  • adult education programs, and
  • direct entry into an open enrollment community college.

4. What is the EOC start date for newly funded projects if you are already a current funded five-year grantee?

The "Proposed Project" dates for Block 17 on the Standard Form 424 (Application for Federal Assistance) for prior five-year grantees should be entered as follows: (1) the "start date" should be September 1 of the year in which the current grant ends; (2) and the "end date" should be entered as August 31, five years from the start date.


5. Will applicants be penalized for entering the wrong start date on the Standard Form 424?

Incorporating the wrong date on the Standard Form 424 will not have an effect on your application. If your application is successfully funded, your grant award will reflect the correct dates.


6. Are individuals eligible applicants?

No. Eligible applicants are institutions of higher education, public and private agencies and organizations, or combinations of institutions, agencies, and organizations.


7. Are Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) or secondary schools eligible to apply as the fiscal agent?

LEAs and secondary schools are eligible applicants under exceptional circumstances, such as if there is no institution, agency, or organization capable of carrying out an EOC project in the proposed target area.


8. Do EOC applicants have to identify target schools if some of the participants being served are less than 19 years of age because there is no Talent Search project in the area?

If the design of the project is to provide services to a considerable number of students who attend a certain target school(s), then you must include the target school(s) on the program profile. If the design of the project is to assist students attending a particular school only if they seek your program services, but are not actively recruited, then do not include the school as a target school on the program profile.


9. Are new grantees required to serve 1000 participants annually or serve 1000 participants over the course of the four or five year project?

All grantees must serve a minimum of 1000 participants annually.


10. Must the required 1000 participants served annually be unduplicated participants?

Yes. Multiple services may be provided to a participant within one budget period, but that participant may only be counted once during that budget period. The same participant may return in another budget period for additional services and therefore may be counted once again during each new budget period, if additional services are provided.


11. Are parents and guardians counted as project participants?

If a parent or guardian is seeking your services and meet the program eligibility requirements, they may be counted as a participant.


12. May a project that proposes to serve fewer than the 1000 participants receive funding?

Applicants who propose to serve less than the 1000 eligible participants will not be considered for funding.


13. Should existing grantee applicants include information about prior experience (PE) points in the application?

No. Applicants should not include any information about PE points in the application. Prior experience points will be determined using the grantees' Annual Performance Reports.


14. Should applicants mail the letters of support and resumes to the Department?

No. Letters of support or commitment should not be mailed to the Department or included as part of an application submitted under the Educational Opportunity Centers program. Applicants should secure the letters, summarize the commitments under the "institutional commitment" selection criterion, and maintain the letters on file making them available to the Department upon request. Applicants should summarize the duties, qualifications and required experiences for each staff position identified in the application. If letters or resumes are include in the application they will count toward the 50-page limit.


15. May an EOC project be housed in an entity that would like to donate space as an in-kind contribution?

Yes. There is not prohibition from using donated space. However, the proposed EOC project must be given maximum exposure and must be located in a setting that is accessible to the individuals to be served by the project. Please note the assurance stated on page 46 of the EOC application instructions.


16. Where can I find the GEPA Form 427?

There is not an actual "GEPA 427 Form." However, in the Grants.gov system, you will see a list of "Mandatory Documents." Included in that list is the "ED GEPA 427 Form," which is where applicants must attach their statement addressing this requirement. Do no include the GEPA response as part of the 50-page narrative. Please see the guidance on Page 54 of the EOC application instructions.


17. Does the maximum award of $220,000 include or exclude indirect costs?

The $220,000 includes indirect costs.

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Last Modified: 02/27/2008