USGS Ohio Water Science Center

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Ohio Water Science Center

National Water Topics


USGS Water Science Centers are located in each state.

There is a USGS Water Science Center office in each State. Washington Oregon California Idaho Nevada Montana Wyoming Utah Colorado Arizona New Mexico North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Wisconsin Illinois Mississippi Michigan Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Pennsylvania West Virginia Georgia Florida Caribbean Alaska Hawaii New York Vermont New Hampshire Maine Massachusettes South Carolina North Carolina Rhode Island Virginia Connecticut New Jersey Maryland-Delaware-D.C.

Flags and Remarks in Unit-Data Retrievals

The TIME is in HHMMSS format.

TZCD is a time-zone code (EST = eastern standard time, EDT = eastern daylight time).

VALUE is the streamflow, in cubic feet per second

PRECISION is the number of significant digits.

REMARKS, FLAGS, and QA are all qualifiers for the data.


A description of the remark codes and flags is shown below:

Remark codes assignable by user:

e - Value has been estimated by USGS personnel.

A - Value is affected by ice at the measurement site.

B - Value is affected by backwater at the measurement site..

R - Rating is undefined for this value.

& - Value is affected by unspecified reasons.

K - Value is affected by instrument calibration drift.

X - Value is erroneous and will not be used.

< - Actual value is known to be less than reported value..

> - Actual value is known to be greater than reported value.



Flags are associated with unit-values but not with daily-values. The

Flags column is a multicharacter field; each character is a distinct

flag. The order is not significant.

The flags are set by the data entry programs and by the data screening

subroutines. They are displayed for information purposes only and are

not editable.


Possible data source flags and their descriptions are:

o - Value was observed in the field.

a - Value is from paper tape (ADR).

s - Value is from a data-collection platform (DCP).

g - Value is from electronic data logger

c - Value recorded on strip chart.

p - Value received by telephone transmission.

r - Value received by radio transmission.

f - Value received by machine readable file.

z - Value received from backup recorder.

~ - Value is a system-interpolated value.


Possible data screening flags and their descriptions are:

I - Value exceeds "very rapid increase" threshold.

i - Value exceeds "rapid increase" threshold.

D - Value exceeds "very rapid decrease" threshold.

d - Value exceeds "rapid decrease" threshold.

L - Value exceeds "very low" threshold.

l - Value exceeds "low" threshold.

H - Value exceeds "very high" threshold.

h - Value exceeds "high" threshold.

T - Value exceeds "standard difference" threshold.


Flags indicating processing status are:

U - Value was not used in the computation of a daily value.

@ - Value was reviewed by USGS personnel.

* - Value was edited by USGS personnel.

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