January 19, 2005 Extra Credit
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January 19, 2005

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January 18
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Strengthening America’s High Schools: Key Figures From President Bush’s FY 2006 Budget Request Part IV

According to the White House, President Bush’s FY 2006 budget request will include the following proposals to provide more opportunities for students to take more rigorous courses in high school:

  • Accelerating Student Achievement with Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate
    • President Bush will propose $52 million in the FY 2006 budget for the Advanced Placement program authorized in the No Child Left Behind Act—an increase of 73%. This funding will help ensure that teachers in low-income schools are well-trained to teach Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses. The President's support for Advanced Placement programs will not only encourage the growth of AP and IB courses, but also serve as a mechanism for upgrading the entire high school curriculum.

  • Promoting Scholastic Achievement with State Scholars
    • President Bush will propose $45 million to encourage students to take more rigorous high school courses. Under the President's State Scholars Initiative, 12 states have already received assistance to create the State Scholars program which requires high school students to take at least three years of math and science, three and one-half years of social studies, four years of English, and two years of foreign language courses.
    • In addition, low-income high school students will be eligible for up to $1,000 in additional Pell Grant aid for the first two years of college if they complete the State Scholars curriculum.

Note: The NCLB Extra Credit will not be published on Thursday, January 20th.


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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