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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Education and Training Center

One of the Institute's congressional mandates is to "serve the people and the government through the widest possible range of education and training...to promote international peace and the resolution of conflicts..." The Education and Training Center's mission is to help fulfill this mandate.

Pamela Aall is the vice president of the Education and Training Center's Domestic programs and Michael Lekson is the vice president of the Education and Training Center's International programs.

Education and Training

Education and Training Center/Domestic program.

Education and Training Center/Domestic
The mission of the ETC/Domestic is to create and deliver courses and supporting teaching materials to improve the practice of conflict management and help professionalize the field. Target audiences include civilian and military practitioners; faculty from other institutions; and graduate, undergraduate and high school students.

Training workshop in Sudan.

Education and Training Center/International
The mission of ETC/International is to (1) help international practitioners improve the skills required to manage conflict in all its phases, from prevention to post-conflict peacebuilding; and (2) promote peace by working through educational systems in fragile states and societies emerging from conflict.

National Training Academy

Conflict Management Education and Training Courses 2008-2009
USIP is offering a number of courses through which professionals from government, the military, NGOs, and IOs, as well as pre-professionals in the academic world can come together and receive training on core conflict management skills, as well as best practices in conflict prevention, peacemaking, and state-building.

Resources and Tools

Core Conflict Management Resources


Online Courses

Teaching and Learning Guides

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United States Institute of Peace - 1200 17th Street NW - Washington, DC 20036
+1.202.457.1700 (phone) - +1.202.429.6063 (fax)