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State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference
 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002,

2004, 2006, 2008

State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference 2002

The focus of SOLEC 2002 was to continue to update and assess the state of the Great Lakes using the current suite of indicators with an emphasis on biological integrity, the theme for SOLEC 2002. This SOLEC presented the most comprehensive assessment yet of the state of the Great Lakes basin ecosystem. SOLEC 2002 featured 43 indicator assessments. A draft version of these reports was distributed at SOLEC 2002. The comment and review period for these indicator assessments was available online until January 2003. Comments are collected from participants and incorporated into the indicator reports where feasible.

Significant development work has taken place on broadening the indicator suite. SOLEC 2002 presented a candidate set of Biological Integrity indicators, as well as proposed indicators for agriculture, groundwater, forestry, and societal response, which, as a part of the Societal Indicator suite, measure positive human responses to ecosystem pressures, thereby reflecting a commitment to ecosystem health. SOLEC 2002 also provided revisions to current indicators in the Great Lakes suite, and the identification of management challenges and actions. Work continues on the Great Lakes indicator suite in an effort to streamline this reporting to management and the public.

Background Papers and Reports

Final Reports

Background Papers



Day 1

Great Lakes Ecosystem: State, Pressures, Challenges & Opportunities

Day 2

Biological Integrity & Societal Response

Day 3

Lakes, Rivers and Fishery Reports

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