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State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference
 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002,

2004, 2006, 2008

State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference 1998

he third State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference was held on October 21, 22 and 23, 1998 in Buffalo, New York.

Two themes discussed at the conference were:

SOLEC Indicator List - a list of indicators is currently being pulled together (from many sources) to be used in determining the health of the Great Lakes ecosystem. The indicators will cover a broad spectrum of subject areas such as open waters, near shore waters, coastal wetlands, land by the lakes, socio-economics/land use, stewardship, and human health. The list will be discussed at length at the conference and will continue to be reviewed/modified for a period after SOLEC 98.

Biodiversity Investment Areas - areas that should be protected (or at least increase the awareness of them) because of their unique properties or because of high biodiversity. Three separate regions will be examined: aquatics, coastal wetlands, and land by the lakes.

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