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Dear Mr. Park:

I am starting a project that will deal with chemical equilibrium and I
wanted to determine if there is consensus within USGS and USEPA as to which
of these models is most appropriate for problems of this nature.  I was told
that the client wants to do the work with MINTEQ but I am not sure of his
rationale.  Are there any pitfalls with using MINTEQ over PHREEQC?  I have
successfully installed a windows version of MINTEQ that was developed by the
Swedish.  It seems to operate fine.  However the US EPA version of MINTEQ is
DOS-based and not compatible with Windows XP.

Given what you know please provide opinions about the use of one or both of
these programs.


Dave Cercone, P.G.
MFG, Inc.
800 Vinial Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15212-1528
Phone:  (412) 321-2278 x122
Fax:    (412) 321-2283
Email:  dave.cercone@xxxxxxxxxx


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