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Re: Minor Bug or Artificial Intelligence Feature in PHAST: 3D Reactive-TransportModel

> Unintentionally I had left a 1 (forgot to edit it) for the
-HDF_chemistry PRINT_FREQUENCY, though my intention was to set a
-delta_time to 5 seconds (except for the first 10 seconds). What
happened is that PHAST chose to use 1 second as -delta_time. In
principle the safe choice in terms of not missing anything - but it did
increase the simulation time considerably and it also meant that the
output was rather large.

That is a "feature", not a bug. It is the way the print control was
designed; the idea was that if you have 10 second time steps and want a
printout after 25 seconds, the step size would be adjusted to match the
desired print frequency.  I suppose we could put out a warning that a print
frequency is smaller than the step size.



David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx)
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS 413
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225

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