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Dr. Parkhurst:

I am doing masters research (with Heather Jamieson at Queen's University)
on mineral-water interactions in diamond mine waste in Canada's north.  I
want to carry out reaction path modeling with PHREEQC, but I am having
some trouble using the REACTION keyword data block.  The main mineralogy
of my waste rock is:

chrysotile (~ 50 %)
forsterite (~40%)
calcite (~7%)
gypsum (~ 3%)

The trouble I am having is figuring out how to enter the relative
stoichiometry of these minerals based on the modal abundances I have
listed above.  Would you be able to give me some hints on how I should
approach this conversion?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Andrew Rollo
M.Sc. candidate
Department of Geological Sciences
Queen's University
Kingston, ON

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