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Re: Information request

PHREEQC uses an ion-association model, which is not reliable the high ionic
strengths that you need. The Pitzer specific interaction model works to
higher ionic strengths, but most implementations do not include NH3 and the
temperature corrections may not be very good. You could check specific
Pitzer implementations, which include EQ3/6, Geochemists Work Bench,
Solemneq, and Tequil. PHRQPITZ is an old Geological Survey code, that is
pretty difficult to use and does not have data for ammonia.


David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx)
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS 413
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225

Project web page: http://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled

                      Giuseppe                 To:      dlpark@xxxxxxxx, h2osoft@xxxxxxxx                    
                      <basgiu@xxxxxxx>         cc:                                                           
In-Reply-To: <F1CAF31E06E7D4119FB20060976E0A7409BB0F@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
                                               Subject: Information request                                  
                      04/23/02 11:27                                                                         

Dear Sirs, my name is Giuseppe Bassetto and I am an Italian engineer.
Sometime ago I heard about your software named "PHREEQC". I downloaded the
version 1.5.08 from the site
<http://therion.minpet.inibas.ch/minpet/groups/theriak/theruser.html> .
I would like to ask you if, by this software , I am able to understand what
happen, during coolig, at system composed by 100 gr of water, 100 gr of
CaCl2 (by these wheigts I have the composition of the CaCl2.6H2O roughly)
and 10 gr of NH3, starting coolig at 40°C. In the binary system composed by
H2O and CaCl2 at 30 °C roughly I have the precipitation of CaCl2.6H2O. The
presence of ammonia will allow the precipiation of CaCl2.6H20 at 30°C or
not? If not what will it happen?
Thank you very much for your time.
Best regards
Giuseppe Bassetto
V. Calderai, 6
31010 Cimadolmo (TV)

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