U.S. Census Bureau

Statistics of U.S. Businesses: 2003:
NAICS 71 - Arts, entertainment, & recreation

By industry
Hawaii - Arts, entertainment, & recreation - by Employment Size of Enterprise
Introductory text includes scope and methodology. Table includes only establishments with payroll. Nonemployers are shown separately. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
Employment size of enterprise Firms Estab-
All firms 452 497 11,873 209,358
Firms with no employees (as of March 12) 48 49 0 3,021
Firms with 1 to 4 employees 153 153 311 7,067
Firms with 5 to 9 employees 70 70 470 9,574
Firms with 10 to 19 employees 47 47 625 10,166
Firms with 20 to 99 employees 86 91 3,404 53,006
Firms with 100 to 499 employees 33 46 4,507 91,665
Firms with 500 employees or more 15 41 2,556 34,859

Hawaii - Arts, entertainment, & recreation - by Year
Introductory text includes scope and methodology. Table includes only establishments with payroll. Nonemployers are shown separately. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
D = Withheld to avoid disclosure
Year Firms by employment size of enterprise Paid employees by employment size of enterprise
Total20 + 100 +500 + Total20 + 100 +500 +
link to 2006 detail 2006 473 26.8% 9.9% 3.2% 12,388 D D D
link to 2005 detail 2005 448 28.8% 9.8% 2.7% 11,854 D D D
link to 2004 detail 2004 458 30.1% 10.7% 3.3% 11,842 88.6% 59.7% 17.1%
link to 2003 detail 2003 452 29.6% 10.6% 3.3% 11,873 88.2% 59.5% 21.5%
link to 2002 detail 2002 439 26.7% 8.7% 3.2% 9,965 85.9% 53.8% 21.8%
link to 2001 detail 2001 449 26.9% 8.7% 2.4% 10,628 85.8% 56.9% 19.9%
link to 2000 detail 2000 438 27.2% 9.8% 2.7% 10,000 86.6% 57.4% 20.9%
link to 1999 detail 1999 431 28.1% 9.7% 3.5% 9,721 86.3% 55.5% 26.2%
link to 1998 detail 1998 445 24.9% 9.9% 3.4% 10,495 88.0% 63.4% 32.3%

Hawaii - Arts, entertainment, & recreation - by Subsector
Introductory text includes scope and methodology. Table includes only establishments with payroll. Nonemployers are shown separately. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
D = Withheld to avoid disclosure
Industry title
(with link to definition)
Firms by employment size of enterprise Paid employees by employment size of enterprise
Total20 + 100 +500 + Total20 + 100 +500 +
71 Arts, entertainment, & recreation 452 29.6% 10.6% 3.3% 11,873 88.2% 59.5% 21.5%
711 Performing arts, spectator sports, & related industries 146 16.4% 6.2% 1.4% 2,335 85.0% D D
712 Museums, historical sites, & similar institutions 57 28.1% 15.8% 3.5% 2,625 89.9% D D
713 Amusement, gambling, & recreation industries 250 38.0% 12.4% 4.8% 6,913 88.6% 52.5% 18.1%

All-sector table By industry

Statistics of U.S. Businesses

Last modified: May 08, 2006   Questions?