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About This E-PublicationAcknowledgmentsMessage From the DirectorAbout the AuthorsRelated Links
The Need for Collaboration
Victim Needs From a Faith-Based Perspective
Elements of Collaboration
Lessons Learned
Issues Unique to Faith-Based Victim Assistance
Supplementary Materials
Other Initiatives
  Faith Community Professional Education Initiative
  Sudden Death Trauma Program
  Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Services
  Good Samaritans
  Collaborative Response
to Crime Victims
  Helping And Lending Outreach Support
  Peaceful Communities Committee of VEC
Trauma-Specific Resources
Bibliography and Related Resources
Faith Based Victim Assistance Organizations

Supplementary Materials


1 McKnight, Susan. 2004. Telephone interview, July 6.

2 Miles, Reverand Al. 2002. "Domestic Violence: What Every Pastor Needs to Know." Clergy Journal (August), 14–22.

3 McDargh, John. 2004. Telephone interview, July 8.

4 Thornton, Sharon G. 2004. E-mail correspondence, June 29.

5 Marshall, Christopher D. 2003. "Christian Care for the Victims of Crime. "Stimulus (November 2003), 11–15.

6 Ibid.

7 Ibid.

8 Rynearson, Edward K. 2001. Retelling Violent Death. Philadelphia: Routledge.

9 See page 4 of David Baldwin's Trauma Pages for a list of articles and references about CISD. OVC and the National Organization for Victim Assistance also offer comprehensive materials on community crisis response and debriefing.

10 While establishing itself, the Chittenden County Victim Access Project tried to convene meetings of Jewish, Muslim, and Buddhist leaders in the county. The project received responses primarily from the Christian clergy; however, its recommendations are intended to be faith-inclusive and generally applicable. Although the method of outreach chosen—sending letters of invitation to faith leaders—was not effective, the group attracted the attention of the Vermont Ecumenical Council (VEC). The executive secretary of VEC subsequently published a series of articles in VEC's newsletter encouraging clergy to become involved in the access project. Also through the VEC executive secretary, the training director from the Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services was invited to speak to the VEC executive board about victim assistance. Collectively, these efforts led to a series of trainings offered to faith leaders around the state and to the creation of the Peaceful Communities Committee.

11 Gilligan, James. 1997. Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic. New York: Vintage Trade Paperbacks.

12 Russell, Susan. n.d. Unpublished articles written for M.A., "Creating Peaceful Communities" and "Notes on Forgiveness."

13 Marshall, Christopher D. 2003. "Christian Care for the Victims of Crime." Stimulus (November 2003), 11–15.

14 Mika, Harry, Mary Achilles, Ellen Halbert, Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz, and Howard Zehr. 2002. Taking Victims and Their Advocates Seriously: A Listening Project. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee Office on Crime and Justice.

15 Ibid.

16 Beatty, David, Christine Edmunds, Lucy Friedman, Susan Herman, Ralph Hubbard, Janice H. Lord, Aurelia S. Belle, Brian Ogawa, Anne Seymour, John Stein, and Marlene Young. 1998. New Directions from the Field: Victims Rights and Services for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime, NCJ 180315.

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This document was last updated on April 19, 2007