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EX-7 Rain Gage

133119144491701 EX-7 Rain Gage, Wettengel, Guam

LOCATION.--Lat 13° 31' 19' N., Long 144° 49' 17" E., on roof of well enclosure over Wettengel Exploratory Well EX-7.

PERIOD OF RECORD.—New station, established May 21, 2004. Record from May 21, 2004 to February 24.

EX-7 Exploratory Well

133119144491771, Local number, 18-3149-05 Wettengel Exploratory Well EX-7

LOCATION.--Lat 13° 31' 19' N., Long 144° 49' 17" E., Hydrologic Unit 20100003, 200 ft east of junction of Routes 1 and 3, Wettengel. Owner: Government of Guam

AQUIFER.--Barrigada Limestone

WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Drilled basal ground water exploratory well. Sounded depth at time of drilling 698 ft, Sounded depth for this study 499 ft, Borehole diameter 8 in., Casing diameter 5 in., cased to bottom.

DATUM.—Altitude of land surface datum is 283 ft. Measuring point and new altitude (determined for this study): black inked triangle on top of PVC 6-in. casing, 282.93 ft above mean sea level. Old measuring point and previous measuring point altitude: top of steel surface casing, 283.31 ft above mean sea level.


Water Level: Occasional measurements, August 1981 to May 1983. Manual measurements for this study, May 17, 2004 to February 24, 2005. Water-level recorder (float system) June 1983 to May 2004, water-level recorder, this study, May 21, 2004 to February 24, 2005.

Water Quality: Occasional chloride, various other constituents, and specific conductance measurements from thief sampler at specific depths, September 1981 to March 1985. Specific-conductance profiles: using Ocean Sensors conductivity-temperature-depth logger: from May 15, 2001 to February 26, 2004, and for this study, May 17, 2004 to February 24, 2005. Fixed-depth specific-conductance hydrographs, from May 21, 2004 to February 24, 2005.

Data Files: (Microsoft Excel files)
Note: Tipping-bucket rainfall data is provided in two formats: as daily total rainfall (daily), and as a time and date of bucket tip (event). Each tip is an accumulation of 0.01 inches.

ex-7 daily rainfall
ex-7 event rainfall
ex-7 water level
ex-7 specific conductance hydrograph, -114.19-foot altitude
ex-7 specific conductance hydrograph, -117.15-foot altitude
ex-7 specific conductance hydrograph, -120.37-foot altitude
ex-7 specific conductance hydrograph, -135.38-foot altitude
ex-7 specific conductance hydrograph, -159.09-foot altitude
ex7 ctd profiles

Rainfall PDF of rainfall and water-level hydrograph

Ex-7 Raingage Plot

Water level PDF of rainfall and water-level hydrograph

Ex-7 Exploratory Well plot

Specific-conductance hydrographs PDF of specific-conductance hydrographs

Ex-7 Exploratory Well plot

Ex-7 Exploratory Well plot

Ex-7 Exploratory Well plot

Ex-7 Exploratory Well plot

Ex-7 Exploratory Well plot

Specific-conductance profiles
PDF version of this graph can be customized. Click on the "Layers" tab on the left margin of the Adobe Acrobat window and select dates to be displayed.

Ex-7 Exploratory Well plot

Temperature profiles PDF version of this graph can be customized. Click on the "Layers" tab on the left margin of the Adobe Acrobat window and select dates to be displayed.

Ex-7 Exploratory Well plot

USGS Water Biology Geology Geography
U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Pacific Islands Water Science Center
677 Ala Moana Blvd. Ste. 415, Honolulu, HI 96813
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Last Modified: Friday, 11-May-2007 16:05:55 EDT