Pacific Islands Water Science Center


Recent Hydrologic Conditions -- Hawaii

Latest update August 8, 2008

topical break

Poamoho Rain Gage No. 2, Oahu

Poamoho rain gage no. 2 is about 1 mile west of the crest of the Koolau Range above Wahiawa at an altitude of 1,960 ft (gage photo). The rain gage has been operated since 1967. The average yearly rainfall at the gage since 1967 is about 189 inches. Rainfall for July 2008 (7.6 inches) can be compared with island-wide rainfall data recorded by the National Weather Service. This station is operated by the Honolulu field office and is equipped with a satellite transmitter delivering rainfall updates every hour (Go to real-time website for this gage.).

Historical rainfall record

Poamoho RG Historical Rainfall Record

Poamoho RG Historical Rainfall Record

Recent rainfall record compared with historical data

Poamoho RG Recent Rainfall Record

Historical Rainfall Legend

The monthly maximum and minimum data show how recent conditions compare to the range of monthly rainfall amounts measured in the historical record. The entire period of record is used to estimate the maximum, minimum, and mean monthly rainfall.



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Page Last Modified: Monday, 11-Aug-2008 17:09:24 EDT (sbg)