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Regional World Bank’s Doing Business Report Identifies Necessary Reforms for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan

Kyrgyz Republic was ranked 84th, Kazakhstan 86th, and Uzbekistan 138th among 155 countries, based on specific regulations that promote or constrain investment productivity and growth, as measured by ten comparable indicators. These rankings were introduced on April 18 in Kyrgyzstan and April 19 in Kazakhstan to representatives of government, private sector, academia, donors, and media gathered at conferences that presented the Doing Business in 2006: Creating Jobs report, prepared by the World Bank.

USAID, through its Participant Training Program implemented by the Academy for Educational Development, was one of the major sponsors of the event. The report points out that some of the immediate reforms needed in Kyrgyzstan include simplifying regulation of cross border trade, reducing the time for contract enforcement, easing the burden of taxation, and streamlining procedures for obtaining construction permits. In Kazakhstan, some of the immediate reforms identified by the report include simplification of procedures for issuing licenses, and registering property and land, trading, and investor protection. USAID will use the report to guide its assistance programs to improve business climate, create new jobs, and fight poverty.

In Kyrgyzstan, the Doing Business conference was attended by more than 150 business and government representatives
In Kyrgyzstan, the Doing Business conference was attended by more than 150 business and government representatives
Photo Credit: AED

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Fri, 02 May 2008 12:28:16 -0500