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Recent Additions to the Region 9 Web Site

Region 9 news releases are added frequently.

April 2009

Assessing Outdoor Air Near Schools
Public Notice: PTC Partners, Hilo Hawaii
Public Workshop on a New Permit for Cache Creek Casino Resort
April 2, 2009 Public Notice regarding Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration in Federal Waters Off the Coast of Southern California

March 2009

Toxics Release Inventory 2007 Data Release
US-Mexico Border 2012 Program Waste Policy Forum Land Contamination
now includes how to get involved and recursos españoles
Sustainable Water Infrastructure site expansion includes water and energy efficiency by sectors
Fiscal Year 2009 Request for Proposals for the Pollution Prevention Grant Program
Tribal Border Infrastructure Program 2009
Wetlands Program Development Grants: 2009 Request for Proposals

February 2009

American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 (ARRA) — Water Infrastructure Funding
Energy and Water Efficiency in Water and Wastewater Facilities: Benchmark Your Energy Use — Get A Free Energy Audit
Funding Sources for Communities
Draft water permits in American Samoa: public notices for Tafuna and Utulei
Save The Date! 9th Biennial State of the Estuary Conference
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permit for the Desert Rock Energy Facility:
February 12, 2009 Public Notice regarding the Environmental Appeals Board's decision to grant review of the Desert Rock PSD Permit
Draft Underground Injection Control (UIC) permits: Arizona Public Services carbon sequestration
New Potential Funding Sources for Improving Management and Treatment of Dairy Manure in the San Joaquin Valley
Reno Sparks Cleanup: A Shared Success (with video)
GAP Workshop online registration
Chemical Waste Management - Kettleman Hills Facility Update
Funding Sources update

January 2009

EPA Region 9's Water Division has published Administrative Orders regarding stormwater runoff at the Port of Stockton, CA
Desert Rock PSD Permit
RFP: Tribal Solid Waste, 2009
Environmental Awards nominations opened
Lost River TMDLs final
US Mexico Border: Indicators update
New web site for Southern California

December 2008

Los Cerritos TMDLS update
Performance Track: PING environmental leadership & innovation
AZ WaterSense story
NPDES tentative variance for San Diego, Blom Point WWTP

Enforcement Results, FY08

November 2008

New site: Water Infrastructure
Tribal GAP Notification and documents for 2009
Old Maui High School Redevelopment

October 2008

Santa Cruz Watershed
Navajo Nation Primacy - final rule
South Coast 1-Hour Rule approval
Innovative Energy Management Workshop
EPA Clean Water Act Tribal Workshop

September 2008

Dairy Manure Collaborative: Table of Potential Funding Sources
PRG Update - 2008 tables
Tribal Successes
Regional Disaster web site
San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico Expansion of Wastewater Collection
Watershed Priorities: Measure W
Air Permit Public Notice Distribution List Online Signup

August 2008

National Coordinators Meeting 2008
UIC Permits Currently Open to Public Comment
Interagency Meeting on Tribal Solid Waste, June 2008
Fort Ord Cleanup and Redevelopment
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Rule
Romic Environmental Technologies

July 2008

The Desert Rock Energy Facility: A Cleaner Coal Power Plant
Landfill Gas Is Converted to Electric Power at Operating Industries, Inc.
Solar Power Used to Pump Water through GAC Systems at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Molasses Injections at Selma Superfund Site Result in Multiple Environmental and Economic Benefits
Solar Power Used to Pump Water through Wetlands at Apache Powder
Climate Change
Funding for Reducing Public Exposure to Indoor Pollutants
Minority/Women-Owned Business Grant Form Information
Tribal Program Newsletter, July

June 2008

Regional Science Council
Brownfields Workshops
Water Infrastructure Project for the City of Compton, California
California Emerging Clean Air Technology Forum
Green Building
Land Revitalization in the Outer Pacific Islands
Notice of Proposed NPDES permits for Guam and Opportunity to Comment: Baza Gardens; Umatac-Merizo
Sunrise Mountain Landfill Order - background and documents
Lost Lakes Resort: Enforcement & Cleanup feature story & video
Tribal Stormwater Workshop
Community Tools & Resources Workshop
Tribal Newsletter, June

May 2008

TPO-GAP Workshop 2008
Clear Creek Management Area - Final Assessment
Tribal Newsletter, May
Nevada City feature story & video
Navajo Nation - Abandoned Uranium Mines feature story & video
Spring RTOC Meeting

April 2008

New Tribal waste topics: Open dump cleanup & Waste Reduction/Recycling
Technical Advice for Cleanup of Accumulated Waste Sites on Tribal Lands
Proposed rule for Navajo Nation UIC
Annual Environmental Awards - Winners
San Joaquin Valley Air Actions
Administrative Orders Issued: Marin County Sewage Collection
Annual Successes - Region 9 Report
TRI Updates for 2006 data
Drinking Water Set-Aside Grant, 2008

March 2008

Tribal Solid Waste Mgmt - interagency meetings
Torres Martinez updates
Electronic Standards Scoping Meeting documents added
Chromium Workshop
New Leaking UST in Indian Country site

February 2008

Torres Martinez site update
RTOC meeting and site update
Wetlands Program Development Grants: 2008 Request for Proposals
GAP meeting online registration
Wetlands Protection request for proposals
Sanitary Sewer Overflow Inspection Reports
Lead training providers updated

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