May 18, 2006 Extra Credit
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May 18, 2006

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The following article, excerpted below, appeared in the New York Post (5/10/06):

"City Schools Chancellor Joel Klein gave an impassioned defense of the federal No Child Left Behind law yesterday, saying schools need more testing and accountability…to bolster performance and close the achievement gap."

"'It is incredibly valuable because it recognizes that the achievement gap - the gap that separates our African-American and Latino students from their white and Asian peers - is the chief problem in American schooling,' Klein said…"

"'When they passed NCLB, our national leaders finally took responsibility for the fact that white and Asian students are performing four years ahead of African-American and Latino students in high school… And this law finally put muscle behind the attempt to close that gap…'"

"He added that schools should be testing students "routinely," as long as the exams are based on solid standards… 'Our teachers should teach students the skills and ideas they must master in order to pass their tests. …'"

"'I've never met a law that couldn't improve. But to criticize the heart of No Child Left Behind is to refuse to take responsibility for the achievement gap…'"

The complete article is available from the New York Post online archives for a fee.


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 08/14/2007