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South Florida Ecosystem History Project

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Publications Menu

Please note: the majority of the following publications are available as PDF files. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view these files.

Biscayne Bay and the Southeast Coast

Open File Reports

  • OFR 2004-1312 Ecosystem History of Southern and Central Biscayne Bay: Summary Report on Sediment Core Analyses - Year Two
  • OFR 03-375 Ecosystem History of Southern and Central Biscayne Bay: Summary Report on Sediment Core Analyses
  • OFR 00-191 A Paleoecologic Reconstruction of the History of Featherbed Bank, Biscayne National Park, Biscayne Bay, Florida
  • OFR 97-437 Ecosystem History of South Florida: Biscayne Bay Sediment Core Descriptions (525 K)
  • OFR 97-34 Modern Benthic Foraminifer Distributions in Biscayne Bay: Analogues for Historical Reconstructions (242 K)

Florida Bay and the Southwest Coast


  • FS 2004-3141 Shells as Recorders of Environmental Change -- A Study in Florida Bay

Open File Reports

  • OFR 01-143 Molluscan Fauna from Core 25B, Whipray Basin, Central Florida Bay, Everglades National Park
  • OFR 98-522 Diatom Paleoecology Pass Key Core 37, Everglades National Park, Florida Bay (602 K)
  • OFR 98-122 Preliminary Paleontologic Report on Core 37, from Pass Key, Everglades National Park, Florida Bay (1.2 M)
  • OFR 97-534 Progress Report on Sediment Analyses at Selected Faunal Monitoring Sites in North-central and Northeastern Florida Bay (3.2 M)
  • OFR 97-460 Preliminary Paleontologic Report on Cores19A &19B, from Russell Bank, Everglades National Park, Florida Bay (685 K)
  • OFR 96-732 Preliminary Report on the Distribution of Modern Fauna and Flora at selected sites in North-central and North-eastern Florida Bay (568)
  • OFR 96-543 Preliminary Paleontologic Report on CoreT-24, Little Madeira Bay, Florida (460 K)
  • OFR 95-628 Preliminary Analysis of Down-Core Biotic Assemblages: Bob Allen Keys, Everglades National Park, Florida Bay (376 K)


South Florida Terrestrial & Everglades


Open File Reports

  • OFR 97-867 Palynological Census Data from SurfaceSamples in South Florida (1.6 M)
  • OFR 97-736 Paleontological Data from Mud Creek Core 1, Southern Florida (321 K)
  • OFR 97-497 Pollen Census Data from Southern Florida: Sites Along a Nutrient Gradient in Water Conservation Area 2A (225 K)
  • OFR 97-35 Pollen and Geochronological Data fromSouth Florida: Taylor Creek Site 2 (1.6 M)

Related OFR's:

Chesapeake Bay:

  • OFR99-045 Microfossils from Chesapeake Bay Sediments: Illustrations and Species Database (3.6 M)

For more information, contact:
Lynn Brewster-Wingard, MS 926A, USGS National Center
Reston, Virginia 20192



U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Heather Henkel - Webmaster (
Last updated: September 01, 2006 @ 10:57 AM(TJE)