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April 7, 2006

U.S. To Provide $13 million for Earthquake Activities

Islamabad, April 7, 2006 – At a ceremony organized by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Islamabad, U.S. Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker announced that the United States, through the USAID, will provide more than $13 million for earthquake transition activities and has committed $6.5 million towards four projects. The ceremony launched the next step in U.S. support for earthquake efforts.
U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker announces over $13 million in transitional grants to help Pakistanis re-establish their communities in the earthquake affected areas.
“We are pleased to announce these new programs on the eve of the six-month anniversary of the earthquake,” said Ambassador Crocker. “They will assist in providing the essential building blocks that communities need to encourage returns, re-growth and development.”

Transition activities are designed to assist those returning to their homes in the earthquake-affected areas, as well as those who stayed in their villages over the winter, to re-establish their lives and communities through programs that support livelihoods, food security, water supply and transitional shelter.

New USAID Mission Director in Pakistan Jonathan Addleton added, “USAID and its partners will work to help stabilize and re-establish communities, making it easier for the recovery process to succeed, paying special attention to health, education and economic opportunities.”
USAID Pakistan Mission Director Jonathan Addleton and Muzafferabad City Administrator Zahid Amin discuss rubble removal and rebuilding in an area devastated by the October 8 earthquake.
The new grants represent a continuity of U.S. support for earthquake relief. Among the support provided during the relief phase was almost $100 million for humanitarian support and $110 million in support from the Department of Defense. U.S. corporations and private citizens have pledged $109 million. In addition, the United States will invest $200 million over the next four years to assist Pakistan in earthquake reconstruction. These comprise the U.S. pledge of $510 million in earthquake relief and reconstruction efforts to assist the people of Pakistan and to support the Pakistani government’s relief and reconstruction efforts.

In addition, the United States, through USAID, is providing more than $1.5 billion in development assistance to Pakistan over the next five years to improve education, health, governance and economic growth.

Muzaffarabad, April 8, 2006 – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched its first transition project, a $1.5 million program that will use heavy machinery and employ Muzaffarabad residents to remove 16 million cubic feet of rubble from the city’s central business district. The Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Authority (ERRA) and municipal leaders identified the project as an immediate priority. USAID-funded partner International Organization for Migration (IOM) will implement the project.

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