Science Highlights

A photo of a new species of Ophiomyxa brittlestar.

CSIRO’s Wealth from Oceans Flagship team has discovered hundreds of new marine species and dozens of undersea mountains, in a project to monitor the Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network off southern Tasmania.

Rust on wheat plant

CSIRO has applied to the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator for approval to establish a small field plot of experimental genetically modified (GM) corn in the ACT. The aim of the trial is to discover genes that increase yield and disease resistance to help improve cereal crops. (2 pages)

montage of people working on sustainability projects.

The Sustainable Communities Initiative (SCI) is a cross-sector partnership helping Australian communities respond to sustainability challenges.

The Murray Mouth in South Australia. Photo by Mr Michael Bell, Murray-Darling Basin Commission.

CSIRO is undertaking a comprehensive scientific assessment of current and future water availability in all major water systems across Australia to allow a consistent framework for future water policy decisions.

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National Research Flagships

The A$1 billion plus National Research Flagships program is focusing the best scientific talent from CSIRO and its partners on the most critical challenges that face Australia.

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A Wellbeing Plan for Aussie Kids

We have developed a plan to provide parents with information on healthy foods and habits for families.