April 27, 2004, Extra Credit
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April 27, 2004

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Encouraging Kansas City, Kan., Children to "read, read, read and read"

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Education announced the No Child Left Behind Summer Reading Achievers Program for the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools District. The following are excerpts from coverage of the announcement:

"Rewards are always a treat for elementary school students, but the prize offered Monday at Eugene Ware school had even the top Kansas City, Kan., school administers energized. The U.S. Department of the Education formally announced that the Kansas City, Kan., School District was one of 11 sites across the country selected to participate in the No Child Left Behind Summer Reading Achievers Program. ... The Hooked on Books program, sponsored by the Junior League and The Kansas City Star, is donating about 24,000 classic books to help stock collection sites. 'This is a perfect way of getting books into hands of children that really need them,' said Carla Revare, Junior League president."—The Kansas City Star

Full article available at online.

"To kick off the program, participating schools will hold 'Reading Rallies.' At the events students will receive folders filled with a letter to their parents about the program, a brochure, a reading log and a free book. Kids in 38 USD 500 schools will be asked to read 10 age-appropriate books over their summer vacation and describe them briefly on their reading log. ... Kids who read the mandatory number of books will receive a book pack or a gym bag with a free book, food certificate and a certificate from U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige....

"Elementary children who read 30 books, or three per week, will receive a Leap Pad electronic learning station. Middle school students will be awarded a compact disc player. Individual high readers will receive additional gifts and the school with the highest participation rate will receive a computer from Nebraska Furniture Mart. Local sponsors such as Nebraska Furniture Mart, the Kansas City Junior League and the Kansas City Royals baseball club will provide many of the gifts....

"Chris Doherty, director of the U.S. Education Department's Reading First program, encouraged Eugene Ware students to strive for success. 'We don't want you to read,' said Doherty. 'We want you to read, read, read and read.'"—From the Kansas City Kansan

Full article available at:


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 04/28/2004

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