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  Hazardous Waste Management
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 1.  Wastes Database of Frequently Asked Questions
Users can search a database of more than 800 frequently asked questions on a variety of solid and hazardous waste issues and topics. They may also submit their own questions or comments.
URL:  DisplayPlan.cfm?ACTIVITY_ID=162640
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 2.  Provide Compliance Assistance to ADEQ
Conduct training exercise for ADEQ personnel at two facilities (Teris LLC & Chemtura) on inspection protocols and monitoring procedures for RCRA Subparts AA, BB and CC.
URL:  DisplayPlan.cfm?ACTIVITY_ID=165562
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 3.  Compliance Assistance Information packages
Distribution of Compliance assistance packages, energy star with each completed inspection report
URL:  DisplayPlan.cfm?ACTIVITY_ID=162855
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 4.  Medical Waste Incinerator Outreach
Distribution of Video tapes on how to comply with the rules and regulations
URL:  DisplayPlan.cfm?ACTIVITY_ID=162854
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 5.  RCRAInfo
RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The RCRAInfo system allows tracking of many types of information about the regulated universe of RCRA hazardous waste handlers. RCRAInfo characterizes facility status, regulated activities, and compliance histories and captures detailed data on the generation of hazardous waste from large quantity generators and on waste management practices from treatment, storage, and disposal facilities. (Note that RCRAInfo replaces the data recording and reporting abilities of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) and the Biennial Reporting System (BRS)).
URL:  DisplayPlan.cfm?ACTIVITY_ID=161804
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 6.  Land Disposal Restrictions Compliance Assistance
Provides guidance and technical assistance in assessing applications for variances from the LDR treatment standards and determinations of equivalent treatment. Works with the Department of Energy under a Memorandum of Understanding to find better ways to treat radioactive/hazardous mixed wastes.
URL:  DisplayPlan.cfm?ACTIVITY_ID=161793
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 7.  Hazardous Waste Combustion National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Toolkit
This toolkit contains several different types of materials that regulators, industry, and the public can refer to regarding the implementation of the hazardous waste combustion NESHAP or Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Phase I and Interim Standards rules.
URL:  DisplayPlan.cfm?ACTIVITY_ID=161789
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URL: http://cfpub.epa.gov/clearinghouse/index.cfm?TopicID=C:10:600:SECTOR:56221:
Last Updated: Friday, November 07, 2008