Making It Happen
Report of the Secretary's Conference on Educational Technology



2:00 PM
Opening Plenary Session
Linda G. Roberts, Director, Office of Educational Technology
Sharon P. Robinson, Assistant Secretary, Office of Educational Research and Improvement
Gwen Solomon, Senior Associate, Office of Educational Technology

2:30 PM
State Team Meeting
Michael Cohen, Senior Adviser to the Secretary
William Wright, Executive Director, Consortium for School Networking

3:30 PM
Richard W. Riley, Secretary, U.S. Department of Education

4:30 PM
Breakout Sessions: Access and Equity
  1. What are the special issues for rural access to telecomputing?
  2. What are the special issues for urban access to telecomputing?
  3. How does technology improve academic results for children with disabilities?
  4. How can we provide access to the next generation of information for persons with disabilities?
  5. How does technology help non-English-speaking students?
  6. How do we get parents online?
  7. How do we provide educational opportunities outside of school?

6:00 PM


8:00 AM
Breakout Sessions: Professional Development
  1. What are professional development needs if technology is to be well used in classrooms?
  2. How does technology change the way teachers think about their work?
  3. What potential does online education have to improve professional development?
  4. What potential does distance learning have to improve professional?
  5. What potential does multimedia have to improve professional development?
  6. What are we learning from networking projects?
  7. How can online resources contribute to professional development?
  8. What can we learn from new school designs?
  9. What changes are needed in pre-service education?

9:45 AM
David Thornburg, Director, Thornburg Center for Professional Development

10:15 AM
Plenary Session: What's the Future of Technology for Education?
Linda G. Roberts, Moderator
Karen Billings, K-12 Strategic Relations, Microsoft Corporation
Chris Dede, Graduate School of Education, George Mason University
Vivian Horner, Director, Bell Atlantic Video Services
Inabeth Miller, Vice President, Affiliate Programs, The Lightspan Partnership, Inc.
Bruce Nelson, Advanced Networking Services Program Manager, IBM EduQuest

11:15 AM

1:45 PM

Breakout Sessions: Content and Software
  1. What role does technology play in assessing student progress?
  2. How does software promote high standards?
  3. How do we determine quality of software?
  4. How will digital libraries change learning?
  5. Why should students produce information and put it online?
  6. How is technology helping students learn?
  7. How do international projects on the Internet affect learning?
  8. What's the future of math and science software?
  9. What's the role of educational technology in the arts and humanities?
  10. What's the role of television in the classroom of the future?

3:30 PM
Regional Session: Planning for the Future

5:00 PM


8:15 AM Breakout Sessions: Infrastructure and Financing
  1. What does it cost to network a state?
  2. How do you build a state network?
  3. Designing a network: what are the technical considerations?
  4. What have we learned from district and community networks?
  5. What are the politics of infrastructure and finance?
  6. How do we win grants for technology?
  7. What have we learned from surveys on school networking?
  8. What have we learned from NSF educational telecommunications testbeds?
  9. What state resources are available for assistive technologies?
  10. How are North Carolina and Maryland connecting to the information superhighway?

10:00 AM
Plenary Session: Professional Development and Technology
Sharon P. Robinson, Moderator
Eugene Garcia, Director, Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs
Judith Heumann, Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitation Services
Augusta Kappner, Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education
Thomas Payzant, Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education

11:00 AM
Edward R. McCracken, President and CEO, Silicon Graphics, Inc.

11:45 AM
Regional Session: The National Plan

1:00 PM
State Team Meeting

2:00 PM
Shirley Malcom, Director of Education and Human Resources, American Academy for the Advancement of Science

Closing Keynote
Madeleine M. Kunin, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Education


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Last Modified: 10/02/2003