August 5, 2003, Extra Credit
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August 5, 2003
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Harshman Middle School In Indianapolis Is Now A Success
With Indiana set to announce which schools the state has identified as being in need of improvement, WTHR-TV profiles the success of Harshman Middle School. Last year, the school was identified by the state as needing improvement. This year, by changing its approach, Harshman has become a success story.

Following are excerpts from WTHR-TV's report:

"This year, Harshman is a success. Its principal learned early that the school is off the list of schools facing serious consequences. 'Is Harshman a better school because it was labeled a failing school?' asks Principal Linda Casey. 'I think so.'"

"Harshman and other schools had to allow parents to send their children to other schools and change the way teachers teach. 'It is very difficult,' Casey explains. 'You have to have the staff buy-in. You have to change and no longer do things the way you did things in the past.' Along with the federal sanctions, Harshman received $86,000 to train teachers, revise the curriculum and involve parents, summoning them to several individual conferences. 'It helped to share what the expectations were,' said Casey, 'what the standards are and what they could do at home to support that.'"

"The federal government spent $450,000 last year at Harshman Middle School. Statewide federal grants of all kinds, from Title One to free and reduced lunches, total about $800-million."

The complete text of WTHR-TV's report can be found at:


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 08/23/2003

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