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Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manual: Ohio Water Microbiology Laboratory

Organizational Structure
The Laboratory Manager (1) oversees the operation of the Ohio Water Microbiology Laboratory (OWML), including planning and budgeting (2) directs technical personnel in the proper performance of laboratory procedures and the reporting of results, (3) ensures that appropriate methods are used, (4) plans activities leading to testing and modification of analytical procedures, and (5) designs and implements a comprehensive QA/QC program.  The Laboratory Manager is responsible for initiating the QA/QC program, providing information and training to the staff, and reviewing QA/QC activities on a quarterly basis.

The Laboratory Coordinator oversees the daily operations of the OWML, including scheduling of daily samples, communication with customers, and billing for services and supplies sold. The Laboratory Coordinator implements the QA/QC program in the daily tasks of conducting analyses, performing quality-control checks, and calculating and reporting results. All sample and quality-control results are approved by the Laboratory Coordinator in the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) before data is released.

The QA/QC Coordinator is responsible for (1) maintaining and updating the QA/QC database in the LIMS, (2) ensuring that all QA/QC tasks are completed in a timely manner, (3) notifying the Laboratory Manager when results are not as expected, and (4) ensuring that the equipment is properly maintained and calibrated.

The Chemical Hygiene Officer (1) oversees safety operations in the laboratory with assistance from the Laboratory Manager and Laboratory Coordinator, (2) reviews the Chemical Hygiene Plan annually to ensure that the Plan is up to date, (3) assists employees in obtaining Material Safety Data Sheets, and (4) maintains the laboratory chemical inventory list and MSDS books in the laboratory and front lobby.

The laboratory and field staffs are responsible for correctly implementing collection and analysis procedures and for identifying and working with supervisors to correct and avoid potential problems.


Table 1.   Current laboratory personnel and qualifications.





Rebecca Bushon

Laboratory Manager


  • B.S. Biology

  • 13 years experience in microbiology


Amie Brady

Laboratory Coordinator/ QA/QC Coordinator

Hydrologist GS-11

  • B. S. Environmental Science

  • B.S. Plant Biology

  • M.S. Environmental Science

  • 8 years experience in microbiology

Chris Kephart

Molecular Analyst/Chemical Hygiene Officer

StuTrain(Hyd) GS-9

  • B.S. Microbiology

  • Working on M.S. Environmental Science

  • 8 years experience in microbiology

Christina Likirdopulos

General Lab Analyst

Hydrologist GS-9

  • B.A. Chemistry

  • M.S.P.H. Environmental Sciences & Engineering

  • 8 years experience in microbiology

Erin Stelzer

Molecular Analyst

Hydrologist GS-7

  • B.S. Microbiology

  • 2 years experience in microbiology

Erin Bertke

General Lab Analyst

Hydrologist GS-7

  • B.S. Environmental Science

  • 4 years experience in microbiology

Carrie Huitger

General Lab Analyst


  • B.S. Biology

  • 2 years experience in microbiology


Donna Francy

Microbiology/Water Quality Specialist

Hydrologist GS-13

  • B.A. Biology, M.S. Environmental Science,

  • Certified Clinical Microbiologist

  • 18 years experience in water quality and environmental microbiology


Don Stoeckel

Project Chief

Research Hydrologist GS-13

  • B.S. Microbiology

  • M.S. Environmental Science

  • Ph.D. Soil Science

  • 13 years experience in microbiology




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