[NIFL-FOBASICS:291] Next Issue

From: Barbara Garner (Barbara_Garner@jsi.com)
Date: Mon Oct 02 2000 - 09:19:17 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:291] Next Issue
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You might have noticed that the Focus on Basics publishing schedule
has gone awry this year. Our apologies. We hope to get back on track
over the next few months.

We are planning to publish our next issue, on Technology, by mid
November. The final issue of the year, Vol. 4, Issue D, will probably
not mail until early in 2001. That issue will contain a number of
research reports from NCSALL work, as well as an examination of the
research behind research to practice.

If your friends and colleagues have not heard of FOB, let them know
about it! Thanks,
Barb Garner


Barbara Garner                  phone (617) 482-9485
World Education                fax      (617) 482-0617
44 Farnsworth Street          e-mail bgarner@worlded.org
Boston, MA  02210-1211

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