[NIFL-FOBASICS:1439] Re: GED and postsecondary

From: Katrina Hinson (khinson@future-gate.com)
Date: Thu Aug 11 2005 - 14:52:13 EDT

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I've read the exchange re: GED completion and postsecondary education and I'd like to comment as a GED instructor - one of many hats.  Looking at the various emails and feedback from people and noting that one of the statisitcs pointed out that most GED student seek out vocational type post secondary education rather than advanced degrees - wouldn't better questions be to find out why GED students ARE NOT getting a post secondary degree? Wouldn't it  be better to find out what is being done to help GED students learn about their options after completing the GED? What are people doing to make sure GED students ARE encouraged to continue their education? Additionally, is anyone considering that a lot of GED students are not the "traditional" degree seeking student? Many GED students are older, have some degree of work experience - from very little to a lot and many have family situations that are not conducive to a traditional degree seeking institution?   

It would seem to me that if we knew why students who earned their GED were not going on to get advanced degrees we could address the problems they face, help them find ways to overcome the obstacles and then perhaps the # of students getting a post secondary degree would increase.

Just my take on things.

Katrina Hinson

>>> jataylor@utk.edu 08/11/05 9:23 AM >>>
Hello all -
Does anyone know how many GED students go on to participate in some amount of 
postsecondary? Do we also know how many complete a 2 year degree, and how many 
complete a 4 year degree?

Thanks so much,

Jackie Taylor

We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are
pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are
different colors...but they all have to learn to live in
the same box.

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