[NIFL-FOBASICS:1285] Xposting: BLOG on taking research into classroom

From: Barbara Garner (b.garner4@verizon.net)
Date: Fri Jan 28 2005 - 08:15:46 EST

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I’m cross posting this from the lprpconnections list. Very interesting
stuff.  Barb Garner

Hi. CALPRO is currently collaborating with NCSALL and Portland State
University’s Lab School on a project called the Northwest Practitioner
Knowledge Institute. One part of this project is for practitioners to take
research coming out of the lab school and to see what the implications might
be in the classroom. Here in California we have two teachers involved in
this. The first is revisiting how she organizes pair work and
student-to-student interaction in the classroom. The second is implementing
a modified sustained silent reading period in her ESL class. 

I have created a blog (web log) spot  to give people an idea of what is
happening. The general blog has links to relevant sites, and a list of
on-line resources about pair work/interaction in second language acquisition
and a list of on-line resources related to sustained silent reading. Each of
the projects has their own blogs, where the teachers are going to post
updates throughout the project. 

Here are the addresses: 

Main Northwest Practitioner Knowledge Institute blog:

Project #1 - Pair Work: http://calpronwpkipairwork.blogspot.com/

Project #2 – Sustained Silent Reading: http://calpronwpkimssr.blogspot.com/

As with most blogs, there is room for readers to post comments. I would
encourage you to do so (either to me at the main page, or to the project
blogs). We are in the early stages of this, so any feedback will be helpful.

Erik Jacobson

Barbara Garner
Editor, Focus on Basics
(781) 784-4489
9 Cottage Street
Sharon, MA  02067

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