Current Practices for Reducing Exposures
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5. Guidelines for Protecting Workers

This section describes available engineering controls, work practices, and personal protective equipment (PPE) used to reduce worker exposure to asphalt fumes in the roofing manufacturing industry. Engineering controls include process substitution, isolation (enclosures), and general and local exhaust ventilation. Some of these methods may be used for other purposes such as energy conservation or compliance with other regulatory requirements. Information is provided on available engineering controls and work practices to reduce worker exposure to asphalt fumes for operations and jobs identified in Section 4.3.

  5.1 Delivery, Handling, and Storage

The following engineering controls are used to reduce worker exposure to asphalt fumes during the delivery, handling, and storage of hot asphalt.

  5.1.1 Engineering Controls

Typically, a variety of tanks are used to contain hot asphalt in asphalt roofing manufacturing plants. These include storage tanks for delivered asphalt, saturant asphalts, and coating asphalts to be used in the production process; polymer and stabilizer mixing tanks in which asphalt coatings are made for conventional asphalt and modified bitumen roofing products; smaller-scale heating tanks for specialty operations such as laminating; and finished product tanks in plants that produce roofing asphalt for sale or shipment elsewhere.

Studies to determine the effectiveness of the following controls are necessary. Available engineering controls for reducing asphalt fume exposures include closed tanks. Asphalt fumes generated in these tanks may be vented directly to either the outside atmosphere or to one of several types of fume capture devices. Typical capture devices that can reduce the concentration of asphalt fumes and dusts released from these tanks or from blowing stills, coaters, and saturators include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Mist eliminators, which use screening or coarse filter media (usually a permanent metal pad type) to remove droplets contained in the air steam
  2. High-velocity air filters or fiberbed filters, which use disposable filter media to initiate condensation of condensable portions of the air steam
  3. Electrostatic precipitators, which use static charge to capture particulate contained in the exhaust gases (however, be aware that operational and safety problems associated with asphalt buildup on the collection grids have limited the use of this process)
  4. Incinerators and regenerative thermal oxidizers, which combust the exhaust gases and destroy the liquid droplets as well as the condensable and gaseous volatiles contained in the exhaust gases
  5.1.2 Work Practices

Reducing the concentration of asphalt fumes in the space above the hot asphalt also reduces the concentration of asphalt fumes emitted from the storage or processing tank through any openings (e.g., vents) that may be present. Asphalt is usually delivered to a plant by pipeline, truck, or rail. When pumping asphalt from the delivery vessel into the storage tank, receiving lines are attached to the storage tank below the liquid asphalt level (either by "bottom loading" or "submerged fill"). This practice helps reduce the emission of asphalt fumes during a loading operation.

The asphalt in the storage tanks is heated before its use in the manufacturing process. Excess heated asphalt is recirculated rather than returned to the storage tank to allow for lower storage temperatures of the asphalt. This procedure reduces the concentration of asphalt fumes emitted from the tank. Air sweeps* of storage tanks further reduce the concentration of asphalt fume in the space above the asphalt to a fraction of the lower explosive limit. Trumbore [1992] reported that recirculating excess asphalt to the start of the process and using air sweeps in the tank(s) lower the asphalt fume concentrations in storage tanks by 50% to 75%. Current asphalt fume concentrations average less than 25% of the lower explosive limit in all storage tanks where these controls are used.


*Air sweeping is the practice of exhausting the vapor space above an asphalt storage tank rather than allowing the tank to vent through working and breathing losses only. This practice is very effective at lowering the vapor concentrations above the liquid to only a fraction of the lower explosive limit. The volume of air exhausted from the vapor space is typically 60 to 100 cubic feet per minute (cfm). This exhaust stream is either filtered to remove condensable particulate or incinerated for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate destruction.

  5.2 Saturators
  5.2.1 Engineering Controls

Complete enclosure, coupled with adequate exhaust ventilation is a commonly used engineering control for saturators. Typically, the enclosure includes not only the saturator but also the wet looper and, in some instances, the coater as well. Available fume-capture devices are the same as those discussed in Section 5.1.1 (mist eliminators, high-velocity air filters or fiberbed filters, electrostatic precipitators, and incinerators and regenerative thermal oxidizers).

In some plants, physical or operating constraints may make complete enclosure of the entire saturator-wet looper-coater series impractical. In these instances, canopy hoods with adequate local exhaust ventilation (LEV) can be used for the entire series of process units or for one process area such as the coater. Figure 5–1 depicts typical hood configuration.

  5.2.2 Work Practices

The procedures for venting a totally enclosed coater are similar to those for saturators. For coaters with canopy hoods, the procedure for rethreading a break in the line requires the operator to wear proper PPE including a respirator (see Appendix) when needed. The exhaust fans should remain in operation during the rethreading process.


Rethreading occurs at startup and following a line break. Whether at startup or following a line break, the process is similar. Line operators pull/feed the web (paper or fiber glass) through the machines and rolls on the line. All machines are stopped or slowed by a jog position during this process. If the rethreading process requires operators to feed the web through the saturator or coater, standard PPE for exposure to hot asphalt is recommended—that is, respirators, safety glasses, leather work gloves, and a long-sleeved shirt or leather/Kevlar forearm/upper-arm sleeves.

  5.2.3 Equipment Substitution

Another option for plants using saturators with both spray and dip processes is to rely exclusively on the dip process. The reduction in asphalt fume exposures in plants using the dip process has not been evaluated or quantified, although dip-only saturators are likely to generate lower airborne concentrations of asphalt fumes. The strong trend in the industry away from spray-process saturators has been generated by the need to reduce fire, explosion, and burn hazards associated with the spray processes. The switch to dip-only saturators has also been influenced by a variety of other factors, including the age and remaining useful life of the existing equipment; the cost and incremental exposure reduction benefits of a dip-only saturator; and the comparative costs and exposure reduction benefits of other available control options such as increased exhaust flow rates, improved door seals, reduced apertures in existing enclosures, and improved hood designs in existing LEV systems.

  5.3 Modified Bitumen Impregnation Vats

The emission of asphalt fumes from modified bitumen impregnation vats is controlled primarily with canopy hoods and adequate LEV. In many instances, these hoods extend over the cooling vats as well as the impregnation area.

  5.4 Coaters

The capture of asphalt fumes at the coater is best achieved using either (1) full enclosure of the coating process (together with the saturator and wet looper) or (2) canopy hoods. In either case, adequate exhaust ventilation capacity is necessary to achieve complete capture of the roofing asphalt fumes generated by the coater. In some cases, extending the hood or canopy over the granule application section (which basically follows the coater) may be necessary to capture fumes emitted by the hot web after it has left the coater area.

  5.4.1 Full Enclosure

The removal of asphalt fumes by all of the inplant exhaust ventilation systems should be routed to capture devices before discharge to the outside air. Examples of these capture devices include

     —mist eliminators,
     —high-velocity air filters or fiberbed filters,
     —electrostatic precipitators, and
     —incinerators and regenerative thermal oxidizers.

Section 5.1 gives more complete descriptions of these capture devices [EPA 1988]. All of these exhaust streams should be vented to the outside atmosphere after passing through the capture device.

Follow these practices to minimize asphalt fume exposure to workers outside the coater enclosure:

  • Keep to a minimum the number and size of openings in the enclosure.
  • Reduce the amount of time during which doors to the enclosure are open during normal production runs.
  • Maintain proper exhaust capacity of the ventilation system at all times [ACGIH 1998].
  • Keep the coater and saturator tempera-tures as low as manufacturing specifications and variables will tolerate.

Higher exhaust rates due to excessive openings can lower the capture efficiency of the ventilation systems. To minimize the potential for fume exposures, all doors should be sealed and remain closed during operation of the line. The size of the apertures where the sheet enters and leaves the saturator should be minimized to reduce the potential for exposure to fumes and to ensure inward air flow from the workplace by the negative pressure in the enclosure. Adequate makeup air to the plant facility is important to ensure optimal capture velocity of the exhaust ventilation systems.

Assuming that an adequate configuration for the enclosure and proper exhaust ventilation is in place, the greatest potential for asphalt fume exposure during the coating process is during maintenance and repair work on the coater. Exposures to asphalt fumes can occur when workers must enter the enclosure during the manufacturing operation to correct a break in the operation of the line (occurs primarily from breakage of the felt sheet). Workers may need to enter the enclosure up to three times in an 8-hr shift, and they usually spend 10 to 20 min correcting the problem. Follow these practices to ensure that fume exposure to the worker entering the enclosure is minimized:

  • Open all doors and increase the exhaust ventilation flow rate to reduce asphalt fume concentrations before entry.
  • Ensure adequate space inside the enclosure to allow safe threading of the felt sheet and related maintenance activities.
  • Wear proper PPE, including a respirator, as needed.

The exhaust ventilation rate in the enclosure must be sufficiently high to exhaust the asphalt fumes from the entire enclosure in the event of a break in the felt. Maintaining negative pressure in the enclosure is essential to prevent leakage of asphalt fumes into the work areas and to minimize fume concentrations inside the enclosure during the rethreading process. For formal maintenance during shutdowns, the equipment should be cooled and drained so that the potential for asphalt fume exposure is minimal.

  5.4.2 Canopy Hood

In some plants, operational or plant configuration (layout) constraints preclude enclosure as a control option for coaters. These constraints are more likely to be found in older facilities where congested initial design or subsequent manufacturing modifications have created space restrictions. Therefore, enclosures cannot be installed without restricting access to process equipment or normal line operation. In these instances, asphalt fumes generated during the coating process can be collected by a canopy hood with adequate LEV.

Typical canopy hood dimensions vary from 5 to 8 ft in width and normally exceed the mat width by 2 to 3 ft. The length in the machine direction is typically 6 to 14 ft. Exhaust ventilation flow rates from canopy hoods located above the coater range from 4,000 to 8,000 cfm. The vertical distance from the felt line to the hood opening should be minimized for optimal capture of the fume. Enclosure of the sides perpendicular to mat flow varies by facility. Insets in the canopy hood to block internal area and increase capture velocity at the hood periphery have proved effective in increasing fume capture efficiency. Cross air currents in the work area should be minimized to prevent interference of fume capture at the canopy hood.

  5.5 Surfacing and Subsequent Processes

After the saturation and coating processes, the asphalt is no longer heated and asphalt fume generation decreases as the product cools. Typically, some release of asphalt fume occurs as the impregnated felt leaves the coater area; however, the felt sheet is immediately covered by a layer of granules and mineral-parting agents. The deposit of this mineral coating onto the felt sheet helps in the cool-down process of the asphalt and decreases the release of asphalt fume.

The application of the mineral-parting agents generates the release of inorganic mineral dust. The dust contributes to the airborne concentration of particulates in the mineral application and cooling process areas of the plant. LEV is generally installed at granule applicators, slate drums, dust drums, backdust applicators, and transfer rolls to reduce dust exposure. The amount of asphalt fume captured is probably determined by the proximity of the LEV system to where mineral granules are applied to the asphalt on the felt sheet. Owens Corning [1993a,b] reported that VOC emissions from the cooling section of the process are greatly reduced when there is effective dust collection before cooling. All manufacturers use local dust collection with capture in a bag-type dust collector. Dust collection flow rates vary significantly because of differences in plant configurations; they range up to 30,000 cfm.

Some general dilution ventilation occurs in the manufacturing buildings as a result of additional air being exhausted from the cooling sections of the manufacturing line. Although general ventilation of the manufacturing buildings varies widely in roofing manufacturing, it contributes to reducing exposures to asphalt fume. The types of ventilation systems used range from gravity ventilators (which provide makeup air to the process) to power ventilators (which exhaust large air volumes from the process building).

After the cooling process, the temperature of the product is lowered to near ambient temperatures and asphalt fume generation is minimal. Asphalt fume exposures may occur during the application of both sealant asphalt to shingle products and laminating asphalt to laminated shingle products [Owens Corning 1993a,b].

These low-mass asphalt applications are applied from Star Wheel applicators or by means of asphalt extruders. LEV is installed at the point of asphalt application. Asphalt application temperatures are generally in the range of 250 to 400 °F (120 to 205 °C), but the sealant asphalt is cooled almost instantaneously by water, air, or soap solutions. Laminating asphalt is cooled by water baths or other means to eliminate product sticking. Because of the relatively small amounts of asphalt used in these processes and rapid cooling, fume generation is probably minimal; however, no data have been reported on the fume exposure that may occur during this process.

  5.6 Work Practices and PPE

Good work practices and PPE should be used to prevent injury from combustion, explosion, or contact with hot asphalt. Before entering any enclosed area in a manufacturing plant, the area must be vented to remove asphalt fumes and ensure that adequate oxygen is available for workers. The equipment to be repaired must also be cooled to reduce the potential for burns. Maintenance work in potentially hazardous areas such as asphalt tanks, saturators, and coaters should be restricted to those personnel who are adequately trained and required to be in the area. Proper use of PPE, including respirators (see Appendix), should be mandatory. PPE that may be used during these operations includes the following:

  • Safety glasses
  • Face shields
  • Long-sleeved shirts
  • Respirators
  • Coveralls or body suits
  • Gloves
  • Safety shoes

Appropriate PPE will reduce both dermal and inhalation exposures to asphalt fumes.

Effective work practices play an important role in preventing asphalt fume exposures and reducing the risks of acute and chronic health effects. For example, all operational instruments and fume control equipment must be properly maintained to ensure that they are effective in reducing asphalt fume exposures. Where respiratory protection is provided, all applicable OSHA requirements should be followed in accordance with a written respirator program, including use of NIOSH-approved respirators, training, fit-testing, and medical approval, as well as proper inspection, cleaning, maintenance, repair, and storage of respirators [29 CFR 1910.134].


Code of Federal Regulations. See CFR in references.

6. Research Needs

The following research is suggested to reduce the risk of adverse health effects from occupational exposure to asphalt fumes during the manufacture of asphalt roofing products:

  • Characterization of worker exposure to asphalt fumes in this segment of the industry (of particular interest are exposures during high-temperature operations)
  • Identification of short-term peak exposures as well as work shift TWA exposures
  • Determination of the effectiveness of current engineering controls in reducing worker exposure to asphalt fumes
ACGIH [1998]. Industrial ventilation, a manual of recommended practices. 23rd ed. Cincinnati, OH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.

ACGIH [2001]. 2001 TLVs® and BEIs®: threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents; biological exposure indices. Cincinnati, OH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.

AI [1990a]. Report to OSHA and NIOSH: status of Asphalt Industry Steering Committee research program on the health effects of asphalt fumes and recommendation for a worker health standard. Lexington, KY: Asphalt Institute.

AI [1990b]. Introduction to asphalt. 8th ed. Lexington, KY: Asphalt Institute, Manual Series No. 5 (MS–5).

AI [1991]. Final report: asphalt industry cross sectional exposure assessment study. Text and Appendix A. College Park, MD: Asphalt Institute.

Apol AG, Okawa MT [1977]. Hazard evaluation and technical assistance report: Certain-Teed Products, Inc., Tacoma, WA. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH HHE Report No. 76–55–443, NTIS No. PB–81–143–984/A02.

Apol AG, Okawa MT [1978]. Hazard evaluation and technical assistance report: Herbert Malarky Roofing Co., Portland, OR. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH HHE Report No. 76–56–458, NTIS No. PB–82–193–996/A02.

ARMA [1997]. Residential asphalt roofing manual. Calverton, MD: Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers' Association.

ARMA [2001]. Telephone conversation on June 14, 2001, between Russ Snyder, Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers' Association (ARMA) and Joann Wess, Education and Information Division, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services.

ASTM [1995]. 1995 Annual book of ASTM standards. Standard specification for asphalt used in roofing. Designation D312–95a. West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 49–50.

Boduszynski M [1981]. Asphaltenes in petroleum asphalts: composition and formation. In: Bunger JW, Li NC, eds. Chemistry of asphaltenes. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, pp. 119–135.

Campbell PG, Wright JR [1966]. Oxidation products in an oxygen-blown Kuwait asphalt. I & EC Prod Res Develop 5(4):319–323.
CFR. Code of Federal regulations. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Office of the Federal Register.

Corbett LW [1975]. Reaction variables in the air blowing of asphalt. Ind Eng Chem Process Des Dev 14(2):181–187.

Corbett LW [1979]. Manufacture of petroleum asphalt. In: Hoiberg A, ed. Bituminous materials: asphalt, tars, and pitches. Vol. II. Huntington, NY: Krieger Publishing Company, pp. 81–122.

EPA [1988]. Review of new source performance standards for asphalt processing and asphalt roofing manufacture. Preliminary draft. Research Triangle Park, NC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards.

Exxon [1997]. Shift study of pulmonary function and symptoms in workers exposed to asphalt fumes. Final report submitted to Asphalt Industry Oversight Committee. East Millstone, NJ: Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc., Report No. 97TP31.

Fayerweather WE [1998]. Memorandum of January 5, 1998, from W.E. Fayerweather, Corporate Epidemiologist, Health Sciences, Owens Corning, to J.A. Wess, Education and Information Division, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

53 Fed. Reg. 21193 [1988]. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Proposed rules: asphalt fumes. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Office of the Federal Register.

54 Fed. Reg. 2679 [1989]. Occupational Safety and Health Administration: air contaminants, final rule. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Office of the Federal Register.

57 Fed. Reg. 26182 [1992]. Occupational Safety and Health Administration: proposed rules. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Office of the Federal Register.

Freese and Nichols, Inc. [1994]. Specifications SW–1695 for Roswell Airport traffic control tower, Roswell Industrial Air Center. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Southwest Region. Fort Worth, TX: Freese and Nichols, Inc., Consulting Engineers.

Goppel JM, Knotnerus J [1955]. Fundamentals of bitumen blowing. In: Proceedings of the Fourth World Petroleum Congress, Section III/G, Paper 2, pp. 399–413.

Hicks JB [1995]. Asphalt industry cross sectional exposure assessment study. Appl Occup Environ Hyg 10(10):840–848.

IARC [1985]. IARC Monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans: polynuclear aromatic compounds. Part 4: bitumens, coal tars and derived products, shale-oils and soots. Vol. 35. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer.

King RW, Puzinauskas VP, Holdsworth CE [1984]. Asphalt composition and health effects: a critical review. Washington, DC: American Petroleum Institute.

Moschopedis SE, Speight JG [1973]. Oxidation of petroleum fractions. Fuel 52:83.

NIOSH [1977]. Criteria for a recommended standard: occupational exposure to asphalt fumes. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHEW (NIOSH) Publication No. 78–106, NTIS Publication No. PB–277–333.

NIOSH [1987a]. NIOSH guide to industrial respiratory protection. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 87–116.

NIOSH [1987b]. NIOSH respirator decision logic. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 87–108.

NIOSH [1988]. NIOSH testimony on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's proposed rule on air contaminants, August 1, 1988, OSHA Docket No. H–020. NIOSH policy statements. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

NIOSH [1994]. NIOSH manual of analytical methods. 4th ed. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 94–113.

NIOSH [1996]. NIOSH guide to the selection and use of particulate respirators certified under 42 CFR 84. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 96–101.

NIOSH [1998]. NIOSH manual of analytical methods. Supplement 2. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 98–119.

NIOSH [2000]. NIOSH Hazard Review: health effects of occupational exposure to asphalt. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2001–110.

NRCA [1995]. 1995–1996 annual market survey. Rosemont, IL: National Roofing Contractors Association.

NRCA [1996]. NRCA roofing and water-proofing manual. 4th ed. Rosemont, IL: National Roofing Contractors Association.

Okawa MT, Apol AG [1977]. Hazard evaluation and technical assistance report: Certain-Teed Products, Inc., Richmond, CA. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH HHE Report No. 76–54–436, NTIS No. 89–140–198.

Okawa MT, Apol AG [1978a]. Hazard evaluation and technical assistance report: Johns-Manville Products Corporation, Vernon, CA. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH HHE Report No. 77–57–460, NTIS No. PB–82–197–435/A02.
Okawa MT, Apol AG [1978b]. Hazard evaluation and technical assistance report: Johns-Manville Products Corporation, Pittsburg, CA. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH HHE Report No. 77–56–467, NTIS No. PB–291–657/A02.

Owens Corning [1993a]. Internal document: Owens/Corning Fiberglas Environmental Affairs, air emission sampling data. Granville, OH: Owens Corning Science and Technology. Unpublished.

Owens Corning [1993b]. Internal document: Owens/Corning Fiberglas Environmental Services, roofing plant process data. Granville, OH: Owens Corning Science and Technology. Unpublished.

Petersen JC, Barbour FA, Dorrence SM [1975]. Identification of dicarboxylic anhydrides in oxidized asphalts. Anal Chem 47(1):107–111.

Pozzoli L, Cottica D, Maugeri U, Clonfero E [1985]. PAH in air and in biological fluids: experimental surveys to establish the TLV. Ann Am Conf Ind Hyg 12:317–320.

Roberts FL, Kandhal PS, Brown ER, Lee D-Y, Kennedy TW [1996]. Hot mix asphalt materials, mixture design and construction, 2nd ed. Lanham, MD: NAPA Research and Education Foundation.

Sax NI, Lewis RJ [1987]. Hawley's condensed chemical dictionary. 11th ed. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.

Speight JG [1992]. Asphalt. In: Kroschwitz JI, Howe-Grant M, eds. Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology. 4th ed. Vol. 3. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 689–724.

Trumbore DC [1992]. Asphalt tank explosion hazards: appendix for report 92–T–56. Granville, OH: Owens Corning Science and Technology, Owens Corning Memo Report 92–T–57, August 17.

APPENDIX - Respirators

Respiratory protection may be needed if available engineering controls and work practices are ineffective in keeping asphalt fume exposures below the NIOSH REL of 5 mg/m3 (total particulates measured as a
15-min ceiling) or other applicable State or Federal standards. However, respirator use should be the last resort for controlling exposures. If respirators are required at the worksite, the employer is responsible for ensuring that respirators are NIOSH-approved and that all OSHA regulations pertaining to the implementation of a respirator program are followed. Important elements of these OSHA regulations include the following [29 CFR 1910.134]:

  • An evaluation of the worker's ability to perform the work while wearing a respirator
  • Regular training of workers
  • Periodic environmental monitoring
  • Respirator fit-testing, maintenance, inspection, cleaning, and storage
  • Periodic changing of cartridges
  • Cartridge testing for service life

No NIOSH-approved respirator filter cartridge or canister exists specifically for asphalt fumes or aerosols. But the respirators listed below can reduce exposures:

  • Any half-face piece, air-purifying respirator equipped with a combination R100 or P100 filter and an OV (organic vapor) cartridge, or
  • Any powered, air-purifying respirator (PAPR) with a hood, helmet, or loose-fitting facepiece equipped with a combination high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter and OV cartridge

Note: The appropriate respirator filters are R100, P100, or HEPA, as listed under 42 CFR 84 [NIOSH 1996]. The appropriate OV cartridge or canister should contain a charcoal sorbent.

A comprehensive assessment of workplace exposures should always be performed to ensure that the proper respiratory protection is used. Other types of respirators can provide a higher level of protection and may be required under certain conditions (e.g., work in confined spaces) [NIOSH 1987a,b].

Workers may voluntarily choose to use respiratory protection when asphalt fume exposures are below the NIOSH REL or other applicable Federal and State standards. When respirators are used voluntarily by workers, the employer needs only to establish those respirator program elements necessary to assure that the respirator itself is not a hazard [29 CFR 1910.134]. The exception is that filtering-facepiece respirators (e.g., any 95 or 100 series filter) can be used without a respirator program when used voluntarily.

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