June 7, 2006 Extra Credit
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June 7, 2006

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"Free Tutoring Under No Child Left Behind Law"

The following article, excerpted below, appeared in the Chicago Tribune (6/5/06):

"In Chicago's public schools, 230,000 students qualified to receive free tutoring this year under the federal No Child Left Behind law. Only 66,500 actually got help. Those numbers look pretty bad, but compared with other cities around the country, they're outstanding."

"'Chicago should be the poster child for other school districts for how to do it right,' said Steve Pines [executive director of the Education Industry Association]…'They have waiting lists. They've done a great job making parents aware of the opportunity.'"

"About 2 million students nationwide qualified this past school year to get tutoring, but only 10 percent to 20 percent got it, said officials with the U.S. Department of Education."

"NCLB calls on districts that don't make adequate yearly progress on standardized tests to spend a fifth of their Title 1 federal poverty grant money on tutoring… Title 1 funding has increased nearly 50 percent since No Child Left Behind went into effect."

"Tutoring has the potential, if done right, to benefit students significantly. It's up to states to carefully evaluate and monitor tutoring companies for effectiveness, but tutoring programs won't work if schools continue to resist simply because they would rather control the money than give it to private companies."

The complete editorial in available from the Chicago Tribune online archives for a fee.


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 08/14/2007