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Religion and Peacemaking

Teaching Resources

Prejudice and ignorance about the beliefs and practices of the religious “other” often exacerbate conflicts. Religious stereotypes contribute to misunderstanding and foment animosity. One antidote to hatred among religious communities is to teach communities about the beliefs and practices of the religious other.

Most of what Christians believe about Islam comes from popular stereotypes. Similarly, few Muslims have opportunities to learn about Christianity or Judaism from a knowledgeable and dispassionate instructor. There is a desperate need to expand such opportunities in zones of intense religious conflict.

Fortunately, many members of the Abrahamic faiths recognize how inadequate their knowledge of the beliefs and practices of the other communities is; they want to learn more. While demand for this kind of instruction is increasing, secondary schools, universities, and theological schools have been slow to respond to this rise in interest.

The Religion and Peacemaking program often convenes workshops and conferences that produce material useful in teaching about religion and peacemaking.

Related Special Report: Teaching about the Religious Other


  • Suggested Reading: Interfaith Dialogue
    (PDF, 61KB)
  • Syllabus #1: Dr. Reuven Firestone, University of Southern California and Hebrew Union College. Syllabus for "Reading Scripture as Skeptic and Believer: The Hebrew Bible, The New Testament, and the Qur'an.
    (PDF, 46KB)
  • Syllabus #2: Dr. Yehezkel Landau, Faculty Associate in Interfaith Relations, Hartford Seminary. Syllabus for "Religion, Conflict, and Peacemaking"
    (PDF, 32KB)
  • Syllabus #3: Dr. Yehezkel Landau, Faculty Associate in Interfaith Relations, Hartford Seminary. Syllabus for "Building Abrahamic Partnerships."
    (PDF, 58KB)
  • Syllabus #4: Dr. Garth T. Katner, Director of Education and Training Program, Interfaith Youth Core Interfaith Youth Core, Syllabus for "The Good Neighbors in Service Curriculum"
    (PDF, 40KB)

Links to Online Lesson Plans from the Council of Islamic Education


Religion and Peacemaking


Religion and Peacemaking


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