December 13, 2004 Extra Credit
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December 13, 2004

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"We Feel Very Honored"

The following are excerpts from a recent article in the Tyler Morning Telegraph (TX) highlighting a local elementary school that has improved to become a Title I Distinguished School:

"Chamberlain Elementary School in Henderson has been selected as one of Texas' two distinguished campuses in a federally funded program targeting high-poverty school districts. The third-grade campus has rebounded since the 2000-01 school year, when it was ranked as low-performing after one subgroup of students failed state knowledge assessment tests. After the spring 2004 test, it earned the state's ‘exemplary’ status.

"‘A majority of [Henderson Independent School District] students are economically disadvantaged,’ said Raylene Conner, the district's director of curriculum, according to a school press release. ‘These students for the most part have more to overcome academically than other students do.’"

"The National Title I-A Distinguished School Program falls under the Bush administration's No Child Left Behind program."

"‘I give credit to my entire staff and want to thank the staffs of our feeder schools as well as last year's third-grade class, whose high scores on the TAKS test earned an 'exemplary' rating,’ said Principal Kelly Teems.

"HISD Assistant Superintendent Mary Beth Fitzgerald said the recognition stands out as the highlight of her career. Chamberlain teacher Cathy Hooper said: ‘We feel very honored. This was due to a combination of factors, including a lot of hard work, wonderful students, great parental support and great leadership.’"

The complete text of this article is available online.


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Last Modified: 12/13/2004

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