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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Program
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Occurrence Data
Accessing Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Data

The data associated with Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rules (UCMR) is meant to assist the Administrator in determining whether or not to regulate a certain contaminant. Since UCMR was designed as a national exposure study, EPA will be focusing on the results of:

  1. monitoring at the "entry points to the distribution system" (EPTDS);
  2. source water monitoring, where results are below the minimum reporting limit [i.e., "non-detects"]; and
  3. source water monitoring, where no subsequent treatment takes place prior to the EPTDS [regardless of whether contaminants were detected or not].

The latter two classes of monitoring represent acceptable "surrogates" for EPTDS monitoring. In such cases where contaminants are detected above the minimum reporting limit (i.e., "positives") during source water monitoring, and where subsequent treatment takes place, PWSs are responsible for conducting additional EPTDS monitoring.

To the extent that data reported to EPA (and included in this table) includes positives in source water which was subsequently treated, such data are not expected to be used in the final analysis of national exposure.

Caution should be used in any interpretation of the subject data, since this table contains only a subset of the entire set of data expected. (EPA expects additional data to be reported by PWSs during 2004 and will be periodically adding such data to the table.) It should also be clarified that these results are subject to corrections following further review on the part of the analytical laboratory, the public water system, the State or the U.S. EPA.

Data you can download are available in MS Excel PivotTables®. They will be periodically uploaded to include the latest data. Two separate PivotTable® files are presented below, one for the UCMR List 1 and List 2 chemical monitoring data, a second includes the UCMR List 2 microbial monitoring data for the genus Aeromonas. An information sheet is also available which further explains the occurrence data collected for the genus Aeromonas.

UCMR 1 Occurrence Data
UCM Rounds 1 and 2 and the Six Year Review Data

UCMR 1 Occurrence Data (About MS Excel Pivot Tables®)

Data included in UCMR PivotTable®

This PivotTable contains information on EPA reviewed UCMR sample results. Any or all of the following facts for a contaminant-

  • # analyses
  • # PWSs with analyses
  • # PWSs with detects
  • minimum detect
  • maximum detect
  • average detect

  - can be categorized by any combination of the following water system attributes:

  • EPA Region
  • Geography type-state, tribal, territory
  • State
  • Primary county served
  • Water system type
  • Size category
  • Primary source of water
  • Owner type

  - or any combination of the following sample attributes:

  • Detects only or all analyses
  • Minimum Reporting Level for an analytical method and contaminant
  • Unit of measure
  • Sample collection month and year
  • Sample point type
  • Sample analysis type
  • Analytical method

Details on these attributes are provided in the PivotTable.

You can double-click on any data cell to obtain PWS-level and sample-level information.

UCM Rounds 1 and 2 and the Six Year Review Data

Rounds 1&2 (unregulated) and Six-Year Review (regulated) contaminant occurrence data
Access Rounds 1& 2 and Six-Year Review detailed data in text files

Data included in Rounds 1&2 PivotTable - This PivotTable contains information on Rounds 1&2 sample data. Any or all of the following facts for a contaminant-

  • # analyses performed
  • # PWS w analyses
  • # detects (= analytical detection)
  • # PWS w detects
  • minimum detect
  • maximum detect
  • mean detect
-can be categorized by any combination of the following water system attributes:
  • EPA Region
  • State
  • Water system type
  • Size category *
-or any combination of the following sample attributes:
  • Which Round the sample is from *
  • Whether the data was included in the national cross-section (which is a function of the State and the Round)
  • Sample collection year *
  • Source water type where the sample was taken *

* To avoid double-counting, the Pivot Tables will not sum the number of PWSs with and without detects across this dimension/attribute. Details on these attributes are provided in the PivotTables

Data included in the Six-Year Review PivotTable - This PivotTable contains information on Six-Year Review sample data. Any or all of the following facts for a contaminant-

  • # analyses performed
  • # PWSs w analyses
  • # detects
  • # PWSs w detects
  • minimum detect
  • maximum detect
  • mean detect
  • minimum non-zero MRL
  • maximum MRL
  • mean non-zero MRL
-can be categorized by any combination of the following water system attributes:
  • EPA Region
  • State
  • Water system type
  • Size category *
-or any combination of the following sample attributes:
  • Sample collection year *
  • Source water type where the sample was taken *

* To avoid double-counting, the Pivot Tables will not sum the number of PWSs with and without detects across this dimension/attribute. Details on these attributes are provided in the Pivot Tables

Data fields included in the Rounds 1&2 database table

  • EPA region
  • State
  • In national cross-section?
  • Water system type
  • Size category (based on people served by the system)
    • 1 = Very Small  <=500
    • 2 = Small          501-3,300
    • 3 = Medium       3,301-10,000
    • 4 = Large          10,001-100,000
    • 5 = Very large    >100,000
  • Population served by the system
  • Source_type
  • Contaminant Code
  • Contaminant Name
  • Detect?
  • NonDetect?
  • Result (for detects)
  • Sample collection date
  • Round (sample collected in Round 1 or Round 2)

Details on these attributes are provided in the Pivot Tables

Data fields included in the Six-Year Review database table

  • EPA region
  • State
  • Water system type
  • Size category (based on people served by the system)
    • 1 = Very Small <=500
    • 2 = Small 501-3,300
    • 3 = Medium 3,301-10,000
    • 4 = Large 10,001-100,000
    • 5 = Very large >100,000
  • Population served
  • Source_type
  • Contaminant Code
  • Contaminant Name
  • Detect?
  • NonDetect?
  • Result (for detects)
  • MRL (for non-zero non-detects)
  • Sample collection date

Details on these attributes are provided in the Pivot Tables

About MS Excel PivotTables®

To use these tables you'll need MS Excel 97 or later version. Detailed instructions are available for downloading, and summary instructions are included in each PivotTable. No prior knowledge of spreadsheets is required.

PivotTables are multidimensional databases (MDBs) that provide online analytical processing, or OLAP. They enable you to quickly summarize, cross-tabulate, and analyze large amounts of data. You can pivot, or rotate, rows and columns to see different summaries of the source data, filter the data, and drill-down to the details in the underlying source data.

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