August 06, 2004 Extra Credit
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August 6, 2004

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August 5
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Michigan: 80 Percent of Elementary and Middle Schools Meet State Math and Reading Standards

Under No Child Left Behind, every state has developed Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) benchmarks in reading and math to measure whether or not schools are improving and to hold schools accountable for educating every child. The following are excerpts from articles highlighting Michigan schools' AYP data released yesterday by the Michigan Department of Education:

"About 80 percent of Michigan's public elementary and middle schools made adequate yearly progress toward complying with a federal law designed to improve reading, writing and math skills, according to state education officials. That's up from about 76 percent last year. … 'These are real indications that our schools are headed in the right direction,' state superintendent Tom Watkins said in a statement." –The Associated Press (8-5-04)

"Alexander Bailey, superintendent of the Oak Park School District, said consultants, staff development and more focus on at-risk students helped Pepper Elementary School meet the standards after having failed them last year. 'Teachers basically looked at various ways they could help children learn and adapted the lessons to best suit the children's needs,' Bailey said."

"Utica Schools spokeswoman Hildy Corbett said district officials were pleased that Malow Junior High School met the standards this year. 'It points to the fact that the school's staff is taking a hard look at ways to improve,' Corbett said." –The Detroit News (8-6-04)

"The majority of Battle Creek area elementary and middle schools are improving, according to a report on student achievement released by the state Thursday. Across the region, the number of schools that received As or Bs on Michigan's report card grading system jumped significantly during the last school year. Most schools -- about 90 percent -- also made adequate yearly progress, a requirement based on reading and math test scores under the federal No Child Left Behind Act. Adequate yearly progress, or AYP, is one element that goes into the report card calculation."

"Some school leaders say the report cards are most useful to parents and community members. 'We get most of our information from MEAP scores,' said Karen Hart, assistant superintendent for instruction at Lakeview School District. … 'I believe the purpose is to inform parents about the quality of schools,' Hart said. 'By having it this time of year, they can then make more informed choices about where they want their child to go to school." –Battle Creek Enquirer (8-6-04)


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