August 04, 2004 Extra Credit
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August 4, 2004

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Kentucky: Early Results Show 75 Percent of Schools Meeting State Academic Goals

Under No Child Left Behind, every state has developed yearly academic benchmarks in reading and math to hold schools accountable for educating every child. The following are excerpts from articles highlighting Kentucky schools’ preliminary data released yesterday by the Kentucky Department of Education:

"More than three quarters of Kentucky's public schools met reading and math goals required under the federal No Child Left Behind Law, based on preliminary results released today by the state Department of Education."

"That's an improvement over last year, when just slightly more than 60 percent of schools met their goals." –The Courier-Journal (8-03-2004)

"Northern Kentucky schools significantly improved their showings in the latest federal accountability reports, with only 25 out of 118 in a 12-county region missing at least one goal."

"Ninety-three Northern Kentucky schools, or nearly 80 percent, met all their goals in reading, math and other academic markers, based on the preliminary data." – The Kentucky Post (8-04-2004)


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Last Modified: 03/28/2008

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