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Asian/Chinese Volunteers Needed

The Clinical Center seeks healthy volunteers (male and female) 18 years of age and older to participate in a research apheresis study that assesses the influence of ethnic background on immune response. Volunteers are needed who were born in China, including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore or first generation offspring of parents who were born in these countries. Two visits are required and pay is available. Call Rose Werden, (301) 402-0757.

Have Follicular Lymphoma?

Patients who have not had chemotherapy may call for combination chemotherapy and a vaccine: 1-800-411-1222 (TTY 1-866-411-1010). Refer to study 00-C-0050.

Healthy Volunteers Sought

The Mood & Anxiety Disorders Program, NIMH, is looking for healthy volunteers, not on medication, with no current or history of psychiatric illness, between the ages of 18 and 65, for a multitude of studies. These may include PET scans, MRI, psychological interview, neuropsychological testing, and other procedures depending on the project. Pay is available. Call 1-866-627-6464.

Psychology Study Recruits Volunteers

African American men ages 18-65 are needed to participate in a 45-minute psychology study on personality and dating preferences. $25 compensation. Call Rachel at (202) 885-1729.

Cataract Study Needs Volunteers

NEI needs healthy volunteers and patients, 18-80 years of age. Subjects will undergo a complete eye exam, cataract photography and testing with a special cataract detector developed by NEI and NASA. For information, call Dr. Manuel Datiles or Rita Hiller at (301) 496-6581.

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