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First Lady of Greece Visits

Dr. Natasha Karamanlis, wife of the Prime Minister of Greece, Kosta Karamanlis, visited NIH on May 20. She met with a number of postdoctoral fellows who hail from Greece during a campus tour coordinated by the Fogarty International Center. Below, she greets Dr. Constantine Stratakis (l) of NICHD as NIH deputy director Dr. Raynard Kington looks on.

Henderson To Give Leiter Lecture, June 28

Dr. Donald A. Henderson, dean emeritus, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, and resident scholar, Center for Biosecurity, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, will discuss "Plagues for the 21st Century&emdash;A Communications Challenge," the 2004 Joseph Leiter Lecture sponsored by the National Library of Medicine and the Medical Library Association on Monday, June 28, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in Lister Hill Auditorium, Bldg. 38A. A reception will follow in the Lister Hill lobby.

NLM Scientists Host IEEE Meeting

The 17th IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems 2004 (CBMS 2004) will be held at the Sheraton Four Points Hotel in Bethesda on June 24-25. The event is being cochaired by Rodney Long and Sameer Antani of the National Library of Medicine. Preliminary program, registration and other details are available at

Orioles Bullpen Party, June 12

There's no better time to visit Camden Yards than to join the R&W annual Bullpen Party. The event will take place on Saturday, June 12 as the Orioles take on the San Francisco Giants; game time is 3:15 p.m. Tickets are $32.50 and include game admission and entrance into the bullpen area approximately 11/2 hours before the game. The menu will include Boog Powell's pit beef sandwich, hotdogs, tortilla chips and salsa, baked beans, coleslaw, beer and soda. Stop by any R&W Gift Shop to join the fun. Part of the proceeds will assist with Camp Fantastic.

Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

The Wednesday Afternoon Lecture series — held on its namesake day at 3 p.m. in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10 — features Dr. Phillip A. Sharp on June 16; his topic is "The Remarkable Biology of Short RNAs." He is 1993 Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine, Institute professor, Center for Cancer Research and director, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT.

On June 23, Dr. Connie L. Cepko will present, "Genomics Approaches to Photoreceptor Development and Disease." She is professor of genetics and HHMI investigator, Harvard Medical School.

The WALS talks then go on summer break and will resume on Sept. 8.

For more information or for reasonable accommodation, call Hilda Madine, (301) 594-5595.

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